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Rememberance Day Classic 08

Good turn out! Lots of people who don’t come out often showed up and we played 4 on 4 with goalies for 1.5 hours. Matt played the last post in rememberance, Charlene sang O Canada and we shook hands with the other team at the end. Video of the Matt’s performance will be posted on Facebook […]

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Pigeon Lake Retreat 08

I got an amazing amount of pages done. I hadn’t done any serious scrapbooking since I moved so I guess I was just brimming with creativity. I uploaded my fave layout onto Facebook if you’re interested.

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Post-Halloween Costume Party

On Halloween, I went over to Mattie’s house to carve pumpkins for his last day in Canada. I don’t remember ever doing it before, not even in school so I was pretty excited about it. Since it was the night before Halloween, I had to go to about 4-5 stores before finding any pumpkins. I […]

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Halloween Prep

This Halloween Charlene and I are having a themed party! We chose Toy Story for our theme and are making our own costumes. This should be good!

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Thanksgiving Dinner

Charlene and I had a successful dinner yesterday. I woke up relatively early to prep everything and felt like I was mostly done by 11am which made me a little paranoid that I was forgetting something. I don’t like waiting to cook things because I everything needs to finish at exactly the same time. Charlene made […]

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Happy Thanksgiving

I went to see Pride and Prejudice at the Citadel on Thursday. The play was fantastic except a couple of things. It is a difficult book to adapt because it is so long. The play was about 3.5 hours long and finished at 11pm. Many of the cast nailed my vision of their character. Mr. […]

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Citadel Open House

This Saturday the Citadel Theatre is having an Open House between 2 and 5pm. There will be meet and greets with cast members of Pride & Prejudice and The Forbidden Phoenix as well as back stage tours and a whole lot of other interesting stuff. I’m going. I hope to see you there! Edit: Oct […]

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Corn Maze and Free Admission Day

The city of Edmonton is having a free admission day for all of their attractions on September 28th. Tonight I went to the corn maze with Jana and John, Paul, Beau and Christy and Charlene and I. We had a pretty good time wandering around carrying our flashlights just in case we got really lost. […]

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Groundie for a Day

A half day of hard labour this weekend as I helped Charlene with pruning an Apple tree. I learned how to run a chipper and watched her in action. I was clearning the brush from the yard and chipping it up and on occasion I got beaned on the hard hat with falling crab apples. […]

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Happy Housewarming and Horses

This past weekend Charlene and I went to her friend’s house in Olds to celebrate her purchase of a new home. It looked pretty sweet. Fully renovated from the 60s. I think Charlene and I were pretty tired from the week because we were laughing uncontrollably at things that weren’t really all that funny. (Ange, I’m […]

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