Bikram Yoga

On Tuesday, Shauna and I signed up for a week long trial of Bikram Yoga. It’s that Hot Yoga. I thought since I’m done my pole dancing classes I’d try something different and boy is this different from any yoga I’ve practiced before.

You need to eat at least an hour+ before class and be well hydrated before going in to make sure you won’t feel ill. I was not prepared for the smell of the studio. If you think about it, a smelly classroom makes sense when everyone is sweating in a room… But if you can get over that, the Scona studio has a nice, clean locker/changeroom although it is a bit small.

I ate too early and felt dizzy only about 20 minutes in. Very dissapointed with myself for not being able to do many of the poses because of the lack of energy.
The 90 minute classes also seemed too long. And I noticed that I have the worst balance! You can check it out for yourself: $20 for an unlimited first week trial at Bikram Yoga Studio in Old Strathcona just off Whyte.

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