BootsnAll Travel Network

And Baby Makes Three

Brandon est ne a Toronto, Canada, le 18 juin (Fete des Peres en Amerique du Nord). Il pese 3.76 kg et il a 53 cm. Quelle journee incroyable!

Born on June 18, 2006 at Women’s College Hospital, in Toronto, Canada, Brandon weighs 3.76 kg and is 53 cm long (8 lbs 5 oz, 21″ long). What an amazing day!

Brandon Has Arrived!

C’est commence le samedi matin, 17 juin. Ensuite, vers midi, toute l’equipe c’est deplace vers centre ville, ou Deborah passe du temps au jardin d’une amie.

It all started on Saturday morning, June 17th. The caravan arrived downtown around noon, where Deborah put a new spin on Labouring in the Garden.

A New Spin on Labouring in the Garden!

Vers minuit: encore un voyage, ce temps ‘ci c’est a l’hopital. Mais Deborah ne laisse pas trop a faire pour l’equipe medicale, malgre qu’ils etaient tres gentil!

Around midnight, the entourage moved over to the hospital, where these nice folks got all excited, but unfortunately, Deborah didn’t give them much to do 🙂

The Delivery Team

Enfin! Dimance apres-midi a 12h56 (GMT -5), Brandon arrive! Et, ce s’est passe tres vite!

Finally, on Sunday at 12:56 Eastern Daylight Savings Time, Brandon arrived, and very quickly too!

Grandma Is Thrilled

Madonna and Child

Love At First Sight

L’amour, en clin-d’oeil.

It was love at first sight 🙂

Women Can Do ANYTHING!


I DID IT ! ! !

Suzanne, Expert Duala

On etait tout si heureux – surtout Suzanne, le doula, ainsi les autres membres de l’equipe.
(ci-dessous: Deborah, Deborah, Andrea, Suzanne – l’image manque grandmama Niles).

Suzanne, the expert doula was thrilled! As was the whole labour team:
(Deborah, Deborah, Andrea, Suzanne – missing is grandma Niles)

The Labour Team

The Labour Team

Le meme soir, Deborah apprend de nouveaux competences… pour tout arranger comme faut!

That evening, in a quiet room, Deborah learned some new skills – including making Brandon feel at-home in a swaddling blanket.

Swaddled Brandon

Et, bien sur, loin d’ici le papa heureux marche sur l’aire…

And we know there’s a happy papa walking on clouds out there, far away… 😀

Happy Papa

Felicitations aux heureux parents!

CONGRATULATIONS to William and Deborah!!

Welcome, le bienvenu, Brandon!!

with love / avec amour,
l’autre” Deborah

PS: Video ou/or Video (meme/same video, 2 facons a visualiser/2 ways to view)

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14 Responses to “And Baby Makes Three”

  1. Cathy Ledden and Bill McLean Says:

    The most beautiful baby in the world!! Many congratulations Debra and William. All our love to you, Brandon!!!

    Cathy and Bill

  2. Posted from Canada Canada
  3. Dave Smiley Says:

    Congrats! A very beautiful baby and mom!!!

  4. Posted from Canada Canada
  5. Carol, Bob & Judy Says:

    Wow.. what an amazing thing to bring a new child into the world. .. Deborah you look so full of JOY! Congradulations to Deborah, William and all their family!

  6. Posted from Canada Canada
  7. Lesley Cody-Dedovic Says:

    WOW – We are so happy for you and William – we see the love and joy on your face for Baby Brandon!! He’s beautiful!!

  8. Posted from United States United States
  9. Murray Herbert Says:

    Hey Deborah, Congratulations!!! What a bundle of joy!! The both of you must be so proud.



  10. Posted from United States United States
  11. Colin & Opal Says:

    Congratulations Deborah and William! Your new bundle of joy has arrived. He’s beautiful! Blessings

  12. Auntie Simone Says:

    Deborah, As I understood the due date was June 2nd I’ve been going only mildly crazy wondering what was happening there. I had a momentary period of clarity this afternoon and thought to check the blog and THERE HE IS!!!! I’m so proud and so overjoyed and am sitting at my desk crying like a fool all by myself. I’ll hope to call you sometime but know this is a crazy time and so I wanted you to have my love and good wishes. The kids are in Disneyland til Friday but I’ll be showing them the latest addition to your family quite proudly the moment they get back. Love to your family from ours. xoxo

  13. Posted from Canada Canada
  14. Mike Says:

    Congratulations to the proud parents.

  15. Posted from Canada Canada
  16. Aileen Says:


    Congratulatios to you and your new family. You both look beautiful. Brandon is very precious.



  17. Posted from United States United States
  18. Carole Says:

    Hi Deb, congratulations. You look so, sooooo happy and what a beautiful baby boy. I hope that Bryan and I will get to come and visit before the year is done.
    Aunt Dorothy sends her congratulations, love and blessings also, oh! and Safiya and Shaleya too

  19. Posted from United States United States
  20. Manjula Budhwar Says:

    Congratulations to the proud parents!! Love to the new bundle of joy – keep in touch!

  21. Posted from United States United States
  22. Sharon Lind Says:

    Hey Deborah! You DID IT! Your photo shows how truly happy you are. Funny – when I see a new family, I get all choked up inside – just knowing all the wonders you are about to experience. Your Mom(s) too! Being a Grandmother is truly the best experience any woman will have. I didn’t know how much love I was capable of until I had grandchildren.. Like the song says “It’s a whole new world….”
    Congratulations to all. Keep well.

  23. Posted from Canada Canada
  24. Makia EPIE Says:

    A Cameroonian In the US wishes my little nephew WELCOME to the WORLD! Deborah, you are brave!
    Thanks for loving one of my brothers.

  25. Posted from United States United States
  26. Elmira Says:

    Congratulations!…I realized this is a little late but … suprizing I came across your blog…ha ha ha…we have an amazing amount of things in common. I am a Black-American, of filipiono heritage, who recently married a Cameroonian who I met while in Asian (China)…We were married in cameroon and I became pregnant shortly after…so I can truly relate to be the absence you described…

    Well, hopefully you are together by now!!!!

    Again…many congratulations and blessings to your family…Your blog brought back many fond memories for me and made me deeply smile from my heart!!!

    Feel free to contact me at uniqphysique at yahoo….

    Love and Light,

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