The Best Laid Plans
Wednesday, February 1st, 2006The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men
gang aft a-gley.–Robert Burns (“To a Mouse”)
As some already know, my year or two in Cameroon was cut short to just over three months. It was a fabulous three months and William and I had so much fun on our honeymoon in London. But then we had to make the rational, adult decision that mostly due to my pregnancy I should be in Toronto, even if he wasn’t allowed to follow me.
I can’t say enough about all the great support I got while I was in Cameroon. Receiving your messages and wedding wishes was fantastic. We both appreciated all the good vibes from Canada. I didn’t blog in London because Internet prices were insane and I’m not an efficient blogger.
I’ve been back in Toronto since the beginning of December. No blogging and not much more socializing, mostly because I was sulking. It’s not a pretty reason, but it’s the truth. While it’s always nice to be home, I didn’t expect to be separated from William again for a long time. As someone once pointed out to me, “Deborah, you like to get your own way.” And it’s true . . . though really, who doesn’t?
I started a new job in January and it’s going well. I’m just over 21 weeks (out of 40) pregnant and baby and I are healthy. Life is good, but my husband is once again far away from me. We’re working on his permanent residence application as fast as we can, but until it’s finalized he can’t even visit.
I can’t wait until I see him again.
Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.
John Lennon