BootsnAll Travel Network


I’m in Jakarta! It’s a big crazy city, but It’s pretty fun. I arrived yesterday and the Dutch girls flew in last night, so I still have some good company. We’re leaving tomorrow for Yogyakarta (some of the biggest ruins in Asia).

Sumatra was great, I would go back in a heartbeat. I ended up doing a trek there, from Bukattinggi to Manenjau (43 Kilometers).

Besides the beautiful scenery, wildlife and killer waterfalls (were you take your morning bath), my friend and I got a bunch of leeches! We had so many that we didn’t even bother taking them off every time we saw one, other wise we’d never get anywhere! Instead we just waited and took them all off every fifteen minutes.

Lake Manenjau is a beautiful place and totally laid-back. It’s completely surrounded by mountains and they drop almost straight down till they touch the water. The trek included a bus ride back, but I just stayed at Manenjau and the Dutch girls brought my big backpack for me (by bus) from Bukattinggi. That was cool of them and saved my back and legs a bunch of extra work.

Anyway, we all survived an earthquake of 5.4! We were just sitting in a cafe drinking a few beers, when the whole building started shaking! Everyone scrambled to the steps or just jumped over the railing into the street and watched the buildings and bridge (that crosses over the street) sway! It was fun for us, but six people died and half the city slept in the street because they were so afraid….one thing after another!! I’ll try to let you all know how Java is, I’ll be able to see alot tomorrow on the train and then check it out on foot. Peace…


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