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Are We There Yet?

Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

Heath LedgerI guess I owe you some explanation on the blog title. Heath Ledger probably deserves some explanation as well, considering we don’t even know each other – yet. Here’s the background: Last year I took my annual see some place foreign and therefore cooler than my hometown trip to Peru. I named my blog I’m Not Going to Get Robbed, I’m Not Going to Get Robbed, I’m Not Going to Get Robbed and as you can probably guess, I got robbed.

So this year I decided to go the opposite direction with my trip to Australia. Rather than focusing on the absolute worst thing that could happen, I’m going to focus on the best. I mean, obviously my blog names have magic super powers and tend to come true so I wouldn’t be at all surprised if I did in fact meet, fall in love with and marry Heath Ledger during my two weeks down under.

We take off in 5 days. Me from Little Rock, Arkansas and Elizabeth from Memphis, Tennessee (although she’s a bean town resident). Am I ready? Hell no. But I’m confident I can get my stuff together at some point in the next few days if I lay off the eggnog. Cross your fingers that we’ll find a WWoof host in the coming days, as that’s a pretty important part of the trip.

– Carrie

The Big Day

Sunday, January 1st, 2006

That would be New Years Day. The started off with a bang. Finding and using an internet cafe has been somewhat of a challenge on this trip. There are several internet cafes, but none elected to be open New Years morning. I did my standard Wake Up Freakishly Early After Staying Up Until 4:00 AM thing. Big surprise. I walked in to town to find that I could by a latte, a sarong and even some bengay, but I couldn’t get online. Bummer. That’s Australian for bummer, in case you were wondering. Hehe! So I hung out at the beach for a bit waiting for time to meet our spanking new Wwoof host. Scary.

– Carrie