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Archive for the 'Carrie' Category

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Nude in Sydney

Tuesday, December 26th, 2006

LAXNot really. But we’re in Sydney and I have no clothes. I am in Sydney and my clothes are in Los Angeles. I wouldn’t wish LA on an enemy, much less my beloved backpack. Elizabeth got lost in LAX, I got lost in LAX and apparently the baggage handler got lost in LAX. Cross your finger I get it today. Australia sure is hot in a sweater.

– Carrie

Flight Hell

Monday, December 25th, 2006

GriswoldsIf I die and go to hell, this is what it will be like:

* Losts of WASPS (the bugs, not the people)
* New York YANKEES baseball
* BEANS. Nothing else to eat, and
* My flight from Little Rock to DFW

Between the kid kneeing me in the back the ENTIRE time and sitting behind the Griswolds with the sick teenager, it really wasn’t much fun. At least the sick girl was quieter than the other 3 teenage girls with matching headbands and more bling than Paris Hilton. I guess they haven’t seen Blood Diamond.

Oh, and hell is a thirsty place. We didn’t even get the ole’ juice and water beverage service.

We were delayed in Dallas, but I have no preference of whether I sit in DFW or LAX for an hour as long as I (and my gear) make it in time for the Sydney flight.

– Carrie

Cuz’ I’m Leaving on a Jetplane…

Monday, December 25th, 2006
Leaving on a JetplaneEvery year at vacation time, John Denver becomes my number one favorite singer of all time. I'll be over it by tomorrow, though. I leave today. I ... [Continue reading this entry]

Are We There Yet?

Wednesday, December 20th, 2006
Heath LedgerI guess I owe you some explanation on the blog title. Heath Ledger probably deserves some explanation as well, considering we don't even know each other - yet. Here's the ... [Continue reading this entry]