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Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Al has uploaded almost all his more recent photos from the last few months, and i have uploaded the photos from the trek in Choquequirao on the flickr site so you all can see them.

lake titicaca y chile

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

after leaving Cusco we took a bus and then a convi to arrive in Llanchon, a small Quechua town on Lake Titicaca. we negotiated a cheaper rate to stay in this beautiful lodge right on the lake. we watched the sunset and met a couple of other americans that were kayaking the next day, we decided not to even though we wanted to go kayaking, because it was too expensive. we opted instead to go sailboating, then swam/bathed in the lake because there were no showers in the lodge. it was freezing! we then found another convi to Puno, from there we caught a bus to Tacna overnight, then a convi to Arica and crossed the Chilean border, then a bus from Arica to Calama. 26.5 hours in total on buses, and we´re not done yet. we have to stay here 2 nights because the next bus to Salta, Argentina leaves tomorrow morning at 8am and the bus station closed overnight so we could not sleep there. Chile is much different than Peru or Ecuador. much more modern, more expensive, more peaceful, the bus station was calm! no one was yelling or trying to sell us anything!

we will explore the city of Calama this afternoon, then make guacamole for dinner and take another shower because with all these bus journeys the showers are few and far between. tomorrow we will cross the border to Argentina in the morning, then arrive in Salta by nightfall. we hope to see the wineries of norther Argentina there before heading south to Mendoza.

un beso y chao a todos!