BootsnAll Travel Network

info about volunteer org

It’s July now and the countdown to our adventure has begun. Al and I are leaving in only 48 days! The first part of our journey will be spent in Quito volunteering with CENIT, located in the El Camal market of southern Quito, Ecuador. South Quito is the non touristy area which we are happy about, because we really want to be immersed in the culture and language. The organization is called CENIT and this stands for Centro de La Nina Trabajadora, Center for the Working Girl. CENIT is a Catholic organization. They have a very informative website, so please look at it for more info:

The CENIT site has a link on the left column called CENIT News and if you click on Read Past Issues, they have a short description of what is going on with each of the service projects that is written by the volunteers. In the coming months, hopefully Al and I will be contributing to the newsletter!

Al will be doing street outreach in the mornings and CEA tutoring in the afternoons. My volunteer work is still being worked out due to a change in the programming of recent. Whatever project it is I do, I hope to be of kind service to those in need. Our focus for the first 4 months will be the volunteer work. There may be some weekend adventures in the areas surrounding Quito, but we hope to keep our focus on the volunteering and the people we are serving. The latter 5 months will provide us ample time to focus on travelling throughout Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. We can’t wait until we are on the plane at takeoff squeezing each others hands and going eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


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