BootsnAll Travel Network

que viva quito

so here is the story of the last week thanksgiving dinner. we had to stay longer over at grupo game because the turkey was not finished cooking. we arrived here by taxi with al with the turkey on his lap. look for the photo. we arrived late but most people arrived late anyway. we ate a huge dinner with dishes from all around the world. everyone told of what they were thankful for, and later we cleared the tables and danced salsa until past midnight when most people started to leave. it was a wonderful thanksgiving albeit nontraditional.

on sunday last week we spent the day with the onas at their house helping them prepare chaulafan and a cake for estevens birthday (their oldest son.) at the start of the party all the little ones went in front of everyone and told a joke or a story. then esteven and daniel went around offering snacks to everyone, then we all ate the rice dish and after the cake. there were 25 friends and family of esteven there. clever drove us home later at night. this past week a lot of parents have come to me asking to take their child to Vista Para Todos for an eye exam. i took 5  children up on friday and this week i will go 3 times again (it is more than an hour by Trole each way) for followup treatment for the children. last week i spent some hours looking up traditional latin american christmas songs and learning them by ear. last week i sang them with the children and the children of CEA especially like Cascabel which is the spanish translation of Jingle Bells. Just like the children in NY like it so much.

on friday we had an afternoon of party at CENIT for the fiestas de Quito because today is the date of the founding of Quito. 2 of my friends and i won a dance contest with all of CENIT watching, then later there was a costume party in which i was a princess and al was a deportista (spotsman?) there was a contests for the best costume and 2 large cakes. i have been running every few days this week training for the 10K. I ran 5K on Friday and 8K on saturday morning in La Carolina, a park in the north of the city with Jessie. friday night there was a large party in the street below our casa for the fiestas de quito with live rasta music. we went out and danced with a group from our casa for a while. on saturday morning after we went to the house of Jessies old host family and had breakfast with her, bought all the ingredients and came back here to cook for the surprise birthday party of a friend of ours Sherry from Toronto. i showered quick and then carried almost all of the food by myself to catch a bus to Sherrys house (which was very heavy) because al was sick in bed with a fever. the party last night was mexican food and about 20 people. it was a really fun party with us singing happy birthday in 4 languages (espanol, english, german y mandarin)

as i am typing this i am using a computer of a friend of ours from germany and their keyboard is different, the z and y are reversed so i have to keep reversing the errors of the manz words that i tzpe but realiye that the y and z are mixed up. the germans are alwazs complaining about this.

que viva quito! (the phrase that everyone is yelling this weekend)


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