BootsnAll Travel Network

21 oct 2009

saturday night was great! we brought irish soda bread and there were breads of all kinds at pan fest (festival of breads) there was german bread, zucchini bread, banana nut bread, olive and rosemary bread, along with dips and guacamole. we ate so much bread but it was fun. on sunday left early and took the trole to villaflora where we met the Oñas and they drove us back to their house which is farther south than where we work, about 45 minutes away from where we live although we all live in Quito. we live in a very long city. in the morning and went to Mass with them in their barrio. after Mass we went to a few stores looking for the ingredients to make colada morada which is a wonderful fruit drink. we prepared banana nut pancakes for them and they prepared a late lunch of rice, puree de potatoes, meat, and crab. we spent the whole day with them. Alejandro (Al) was playing with Kati the little girl all afternoon while i cooked with Pati. i was also playing their keyboard and there were many requests for jingle bells which i obliged. they drove us to catch a bus around dusk and we got home before it was too late. monday morning i went to CEA and sang more songs with the children and helped with english homeworks. on monday i recieved an email from Clever the father of the Oña family that said he hoped we got home safely and that if we want to come over again this weekend there is no problem. there is a church that is an hours walk up a small mountain se llama el cinto that we might go to with them on sunday. monday night we went out to La Ronda with friends for the despedida of Dana, a friend from Germany that will be leaving this week but tues was her last day at CENIT with us. on tuesday we had an especially busy day at work because of the theatre play that we performed in front of the high school. i was the clean daughter that always washes her hands and bathes but i did not want to eat the pork because i was afraid i would get the swine flu. it is a play that we wrote to dispell misconceptions and display information about our campaign of health to the students about the flu and the swine flu. it went really well! i wore this fancy blue dress and my hair in pigtails with rosy red cheeks. pictures soon to come. then we went to all the classes to give a talk about our individual topics of which mine is the transmission of the flu. we did all of this again today for the younger children as well as the other classes.

apart from this, i have been spending a few days working on my visa documents which are plentiful. hopefully we will get the 90 day extensions. also we are planning our trip for next week becasue we get a week of vacation and we are going to the amazon. i have been talking and emailing trying to get contacts for a guide so we can go a bit cheaper than with an all inclusive tour. we are leaving either sunday or monday for the week.

yesterday after work we played frisbee in parque Carolina with some very serious frisbee players but it was good to run a bit and be tired.

last night we had tango lessons and tonight as well with Daniel. tonight my friend Elissa is coming over for dinner. she is from NY and graduated from UB and happens to be working 2 years in Quito so we are meeting up tonight.

tomorrow i have a lot to organize for the next group that will have their eye checks on friday at Vista Para  Todos. and i am also giving guitar lessons to a little one in the morning and talking with 2 parents to negotiate the price of the glasses their children need.

hope you all are well.

Dios les bendiga y chao!


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