BootsnAll Travel Network

sábado 17 de octubre

this week has been very rainy except for yesterday and today where it has been warm and sunny. i brought in several new songs for the children in CEA Camal and they keep asking me when i will be coming in to sing again. wednesday we had a tango lesson in casa with Daniel and thursday we watched harry potter 4 with Reuben for his english lesson which he said was a bit difficult for him to understand because of the accent and also all the new words that we could not translate to spanish. later that night we had salsa lesson in casa which was really good, we are learning new vueltas that make dancing easier. the dancing thursday was a good warmup for last night when we went out with Reuben and Rianne dancing at a place north of the mariscal with live music. it was really fun and Reuben says that Al is really improving. it is thundering right now, ay de mi we have to walk a half and hour soon! friday i arrived at CENIT at 8am and collected the 8 girls and we took a car to the north of the city to Vista para Todos (vision for everyone) a fundacion that is giving us 2 dollar eye exams for the girls in the high school. the girls were very sweet. 2 need glasses they are 21 dollars for the glasses. next week i will meet with the parents to decide how much they can pay and how much CENIT will contribute. today i learned some new songs from a little one that is the godchild of the dueña of our casa that was singing with me on the terrace. i also made irish soda bread from memory and it turned out good! i will bring it to the pan fest (bread festival) today at the casa of unos amigos. everyone is preparing a different type of bread to eat. tomorrow we are meeting the Oñas at Villaflora stop on the Trole to go to church with them in the south and then we will prepare banana nut pancakes for them for lunch after Mass and also we bought mortiños which are a fruit that you can use to prepare colada morada, a fruit drink. this week is our last before our vacation and we are seeing to it that we get all our visa paperwork done before we leave for vacation. we get a week off and we are looking in to going to the amazon el oriente. a ver.

 que les vaya bien…


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