BootsnAll Travel Network


tuesday night we went to our friend Lisa´s apartment for canelazos de naranjilla and then we came back to casa oriente for the birthday party of another friend, Nan. there was chocolate cake and wine and it was wonderful. Nan shared her cake with me and another friend whose birthdays are all within one week. on wednesday we had a meeting with all in the clinic with the directora to reorganize some of the programs. after CENIT on wednesday Jessie, Jennifer and Lisa came over and we made quinoa salad and bruschetta with homemade whisky sours. it was so good. then we all shared a taxi to the mariscal where we went salsa dancing. it was good because we got to practice our pasos and vueltas that we have been learning wtih Reuben in class. thursday i finally received the package from my parents which had all kinds of sweets and another pair of jeans and beef jerkey for Al. thursday night we had another salsa lesson. our lessons have grown to 7 people in the house dancing with us which is a lot of fun. we had 3 pairs dancing and one girl rotating out every so often, and within the three pairs we danced and then the girl of each pair switched partners and we kept dancing. once we got it all coordinated it was really fun. Al was really enjoying himself. friday i went to Camal with Al and Barbara because they didn´t have enough volunteers and we played with the children in the park for the morning. after CENIT we did not eat lunch there but went to the fruteria monserrat to meet Lisa for her despedida (good bye lunch.) i was sad to see her go back to Cologne, Germany and hope to visit her someday (next year?)

saturday morning we got up very early and took the bus to the trole to the bus station Quitumbe in the far south of Quito to catch a bus to Papallacta. this bus terminal is so modern, it looks more like an airport. we took the 11am bus to Papallacta and once we got off we had to walk 4km uphill until we reached las termas de Papallacta. we entered, changed our clothes, met up with some friends, and spent all afternoon and evening soaking in the pools of different temperatures. how relaxing! we also went into the very very cold river several times, i went in 3 times and Al 4. it is supposed to be healthy to go from very cold to hot, vamos a ver.

on the bus ride back i nearly got sick but evaded it by pulling out my cold wet towel from my bag and putting it on my face which made me feel better. then last night we talked for a long time with a friend that left today as well.

today we went to Mass with another friend from Germany and then continued our tradition of helados (ice creams) after Mass at an heladeria in the centro historico. i tried coco y mora which is coconut and raspberry today and Al tried oreo. I have been sewing my pants to make them fit better because after hand washing and air drying, they tend to stretch out and are too big. i miss the washer and drier.

my throat is hurting and i was told to drink jugo de tomato de arbol which is tomato tree juice that i can make very cheap so tomorrow i will buy that. for tonight chicken broth will have to do.

we have an english lesson tonight with Reuben in which we are watching harry potter 3 in english and explaining any and all phrases or words he does not understand. al will cook the popcorn, he does it in a pan with oil and popcorn kernels. no bagged popcorn here.

tomorrow morning we have our weekly meeting of volunteers at 9am and starting tuesday i will be taking a little girl to speech therapy in the mornings every tues and thurs. (thought you´d be happy dad) so i will have to arrive earlier on these days. lots of dancing to come this week, we have salsa monday, tango tuesday and salsa at the salsatec wednesday.

esto es todo.

que es? esto es bueno.

Llore que no tenia zapatos hasta que vi un niño que no tenia pies.


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