street outreach
today was our second day with CENIT doing street outreach. we take a bus to the south of the city every morning and meet up with the groups of other volunteers to go to our markets. al and i are working in separate markets, i am in chiriachu and al is in el camal. it is good work. we gather the ninos and take them to the park where we start by going around the circle saying our names and our favorite color or animal or whatever the question is that day. then we sing and play games with them (all in spanish of course) and then we do an activity. today we made masks with paper plates, crayons, yarn etc. the children are very loving. the other volunteers are almost all from germany and many of them don´t speak english which is good because we are speaking quite a lot of spanish even with them. there was a couple from england in our hostal that we have spent the last few nights with and said good bye to them this morning because they went to the coast to puerto lopez and i am a little jealous because that was where i spent 2 months a few years ago. they were happy for all the advice. today al is having his first go at washing clothes by hand and it is pretty sunny so it´s a good day for it. yesterday i made another soup with all kinds of vegetables. i also made tomato tree juice and plan on making another juice tomorrow, luckily our hostal has a blender and a kitchen so food is much cheaper than eating at restaurants. yesterday we went to the mercado central to buy fresh vegetables and fruits and then had our first attempt at withdrawing money from an atm. it went well. we also explored parque ichimbia which is a beautiful park very near us that people actually jog and bike in! i have uploaded some photos onto picasa that can be viewed with this link.
i am still figuring out how to have my account accessable in an easier way, but it took me long enough to do this and so here it is. tonight we are going to see a movie at this bar that shows foreign films free every tuesday night.
Tags: Quito, Travel
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