BootsnAll Travel Network

Update on phone card and miscellaneous ramblings

I´ll be doing A LOT less calling than I thought. Unfortunately, the price for phone cards is too expensive. A 3000 colones phone card (or $6 phone card) gets me less than 5 MINUTES to the US. Sorry guys, I can´t afford that! I´ll be doing A LOT more emailing and blogging, so keep checking my blogs. I would love to keep sending individual response emails to each of you on Yahoo but don´t know how often I´ll be around internet, specifically free internet. I´m writing so much now because we just got here and I´m trying to keep everyone informed. Fortuntely, the majority of the hostels in this country offer free internet/computer usage so that will be a HUGE help and bonus! The sun has been out all day so far and we just got back from walking around San Jose with our two remaining roomies, Veronica and Laila, who are both awesome people I´m fortunate to have met! Laila speaks Portugese which has been a big help, also. Laila and Veronica are both leaving today to go to Monteverde; Laila will be there for 7 weeks but Veronica will be coming back tomorrow night, so we´ll still get to see her again before we leave San Jose. We´ll definitely be going up to Monteverde to meet up with Laila! I just love everyone´s stories, why they´re here, how they got here, where they´re going, their journey to get here so far. We haven´t heard back from Alyssa about the beach trip we had talked about taking together, but it´s only been a day so we hope to hear back from them soon. If not, we aren´t worried about it because we have so many others things to do and places to see. We haven´t gotten ahold of Parker yet and we did find out this morning that her flight got cancelled, so the next step is unsure. But, like I said, we have no where to be and nothing to do but everything and nothing! As of this point, I have the world at my disposal, I can go everywhere, do everything and anything and be anyone I want to be. For the first time in my life, I have no obligations, no one to answer to, no where to be, nothing to do and I am truly free. It feels amazing to look at the mountains surrounding me and know that I have the rest of my life ahead of me…my profession is now a writer and photographer! I´m picking up more and more spanish with each passing hour and I´m feeling better about that! It can feel overwhelming at times to have a world around you speaking to you and you have no idea what they´re saying or what to say in response to them. It puts into perspective people coming into the US and don´t ever learn our language; I couldn´t do it! The most frequent things I´ve said are, ¨Lo ciento¨(I´m sorry), ¨Hablo un poco de espanol¨(I speak little spanish), Ëntiendo un poco de espanol¨(I understand a little spanish), Ëstoy mirando¨(I´m just looking), and ¨Donde es….¨(Where is…¨), ¨Mucho gusto¨(I like very much), and the two full sentences I know: ¨Por favor puede hablar mas despacio.¨(Can you please speak more slowly) and ¨No, lo ciento, estoy mirando pero mucho gusto¨(No, Im sorry, Im just looking but I like very much). lol. I´m learning! lol. I know I stick out like a sore thumb and hope more and more as the days go by that I start looking more like a tica! Well, we´re getting ready to consult our lonely planet book for maps so we can venture further out into the city before it starts raining (it hasn´t rained yet today but it will, oh yes, it will!). I´ll just end this blog with, the weather here has been AMAZING, even considering the rain. The weather, I would guess, is in the mid-70s with a cool breeze; I got goosebumps this morning! It´s been so relieving and wish you all the same relief from the heat soon! Talk to you soon! xoxoxo, Ang.


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