BootsnAll Travel Network


Today is the last day in June; it’s almost July! Wow!!!!!! I would like to say, “Where has the time gone?,” but I know all too well where the time went! I had been feeling homesick for a little while, wasn’t feeling like myself, and wanted to understand why so I could get back into the right frame of mind. Since we’ve been in Monteverde (“Green Mountain”), I have gotten back to myself again. I don’t know what it is about this place that gets to you…whether it’s the fact that the mist rolls in so thick and so quickly and there are all shades of grey, but in spite of all of that, green prevails. Always. Green Mountain, indeed. Maybe it’s the friendly small town atmosphere, maybe it’s because we’ve been in our first private room since we started our travels (don’t get me wrong, dorms are super fun, but it’s nice to have the comfort of your own personal space), maybe it’s me and Katie jiving well and all of our terrific laughing fits we’ve had lately, maybe it’s hot showers (prior to coming here, we hadn’t had a hot shower in ten days), maybe it’s the most amazing person I am so thankful and indebited to meet, Richard. Quizá es todo (maybe it is everything). Richard had been traveling with us since Puerto Viejo, June 18th and he left on Monday, June 28th. We had so much fun and many adventures together! I know Katie has enjoyed learning from him all of the many curse words and their variations! hahahaha! I truly can’t imagine this trip without him being a part of it. We’ll be seeing him later on in our travels, I know, and I am looking forward to it! I miss him already. However, today starts another adventure: we’re going superman ziplining!!! Oh, and we’ve had the worst luck with pictures and cameras! Sigh. I hope it gets better and we don’t loose anymore pictures. Oi. It’s been so frustrating. It’s been my cell phone, too, not just the camera issues! No point dwelling on it, I know. I would like the photos so I can upload them and give an accurate description of what we have been up to lately. For the most part, we’ve just been chillin; reading, writing, drawing, talking, exploring, venturing, tasting (all of the food we’ve eaten and drinks we’ve drunk have been wonderfully delicious), cooking, laughing, dancing. Richard and I took a hike to the cheese factory here (I KNOW – a CHEESE factory!!!) and on the way, had a lovely walk, a detour to visit the Catarata waterfall (the waterfall detour was magical in all ways possible), and ended up walking in the rain the rest of the way to the factory where we had the most heavenly ice cream I’ve ever tasted (it was so good, we had to get TWO flavors, coffee and banana and nut). The next day, Katie, Richard and I hiked from the hostel  (Pension Santa Elena) to the Santa Elena Reserve. The hike was INTENSE. The roads are VERY steep and we were gone for five hours, walked about 8 miles. It was, by far, the most extreme hike I’ve ever done in my life. Katie and I were going to hike yesterday but we were still so sore from Sundays hike that when we tried, our legs (shit, my entire body) protested! hahaha. Anyway, the scenery, the forests, the mountains, the sky, the view, the landscapes were breathtaking and unforgettable. Then we got to the Reserve only to find out they charge to walk the trails in the reserve. We had walked for hours to get to our destination to discover they charge to walk through nature?! Well, we kept walking along the road that took us to the reserve and we ended up finding a secluded trail that lead us into the reserve FOR FREE. It was gorgeous, that day. Everything about it was gorgeous. We had such a good time. Well, I’ll say Monteverde has been my favorite spot so far and I’ve had the absolute best time here. I still do think about home and the people back home, but I’m not sad anymore. I don’t know how I feel about home and everything yet, but I’m not sad anymore and that’s the most important thing. I’m finally writing again! I haven’t been able to write any poems since I first got to Costa Rica and I broke that block yesterday. Again, there is something about Monteverde that is inspiring. I have had many realizations about myself, about who I am, what I want, what has been holding me back, the fears I’d been holding onto, and have had massive understandings on situations in my life, what happened and why. Three things I’m working on daily: take things at face value, don’t take any thing personally, and don’t make something into what it is not. All of those are very similar but different at the same time. I am growing. I am growing up. I have learned. I am learning. I am in love. I am in love with life. I am in love with laughter. I am in love with the earth, my surroundings. I am in love with myself. I am in love with love. My heart has swelled…I have found my happiness again. I am signing off now to start the day! Til next time, with love in my heart, Angie


4 responses to “Reflections”

  1. Dad says:

    I am glad things are going well now and that you feel better about things. Mostly, I am happy to hear from you because I was approaching the freak out point, not having any word for almost a week. Daddy is happy now! I don’t know how else to communicate this to you, but a letter came from Mike. Thinking it may be important, I opened it. It’s about something in September that he said, as of now, you needn’t concern yourself. Sorry for opening it, but I didn’t know what else I should do with it. I love you and miss you and can’t wait for the next entry about your adventures!

  2. Dana Dane! says:

    I am so glad you are better and your spirits are up! We are thinking about you and love you very much! Big Hugs!

    P.S Dad… who is Mike? lol I felt concerned reading your post..

  3. Momma says:

    Hey Sweet Baby Girl:

    So grateful to get this posting and thrilled to see you growing and learning to fall in love with YOU! Wow, terrific pictures of you all were posted on Katie’s facebook page. That ziplining sure looks like a hoot and a tad bit scary too. Also saw that you and Katie are going to work for an organic place bartending. Free room and board, food and fun! Wahoooooo for you. Felix is missing ya (but not as much as me) he is eating well and sleeping well and most importantly using his litterbox like a good boy that he is. He sleeps right next to me at night, he is so lovable. Bowtie is adjusting some, Peanut and Tieka could care less about him being here. The only bitch is Bowtie…geeeeeeeesh she can hiss and spit and growl like no cat I have ever heard. No physical contact has been made between them and Felix just looks at her, shakes his head as if to say “take a chill pill crabby, you pissed in your post toasties this morning!” lol and he walks away. Then she runs away and hides on top of the refrigerator since Felix won’t take her seriously. It is quite commical for me. Summer is heating up here and the temps are ranging in 90’s already. We finally got some much needed rain and it cooled off just a tad. I miss you very very much and love you more. Momma

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