Day 10ish
The dates, day and times are all running together. I have lost all sense of time! Haha. We left Puerto Viejo yesterday and went back to San Jose for two days. Puerto Viejo was incredible and I know we’ll go back through there before we leave. The beaches were gorgeous, it was nice to finally get to the beach! I can’t even begin to explain everything we did, so I’ll make it short: stayed at a kick-ass hostel, slept in hammocks, smoked tons of green, met amazing people, petted sloths, played with monkeys (and having them jump all over me and suck my hair), beaches, sun tan, bike ride to beach hunt, delicious food, explored. I have met so many interesting and special people already. One of the people we met, Richard, I know will be my friend for a long time. We met him at the hostel we were staying at in Puerto Viejo and he lives in Heredia, right outside of San Jose. He has been the most generous, helpful, patient, fun and amazing person and I am grateful we met him. The three of us have become fast close friends and he will be coming with us when we leave tomorrow for Monteverde. I am looking forward to us continuing our travels together! Another one of the people we met there, Ignacio, lives in San Jose and he was leaving P.V. to come back here for his 21st birthday and invited us to come along, which is why we left Puerto Viejo when we did. We didn’t want to make any commitments but had we not made this one, we probably would have slothed away there. lol. So, last night we met up with Ignacio and tons of his friends and went out partying. Richard met up with us too and we had an awesome time! We are laying low in the hostel tonight, recovering from the last two nights of little sleep and lots of drinking! haha. YES, we are being careful, YES, we are being safe. I am looking forward to going north to the cloud forests! We have heard it is absolutely gorgeous (after everything we’ve seen so far, how could it not be?) and I can’t wait to see it! I will miss the beaches of Puerto Viejo and the slowed down lifestyle there and I know we’ll end up back there again. I haven’t blogged very much and feel like there is so much to say but I honestly don’t know where to start! I wish I could translate the profound experiences and thoughts I have right now, but I can’t. So I’ll sign off for today. Off to Monteverde tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
Tags: Travel
I’m so glad that you are having such an incredible time! This trip will allow you to grow in sooooooo many ways. I wish I could be there but am loving being able to follow along on this blog. Give Katie a hug for me and take one back from her!
I am really enjoying your blog, but it was great to talk to you. I am very proud of your determination and courage to do something that so many people would not even consider. Although there are some bumps in the long road, I am sure you will stay positive and take the best that you can out of the situation. Follow what you need to do for yourself and don’t regret any decision you make.
I miss you and wish I was there to enjoy your trip with you! I know how much fun you would have if I was with you! No worries in the world! Enjoy your my my love and you will be home soon!
Hey Baby Girl:
So glad you are having a great time. Miss you tons and love you more. Please be careful and stay smart while you are growing and learning so many new and wonderful things about yourself and your new environment. Would love some pictures and some more info on your experiences. Is it the rainy season for Costa Rica right now? Felix is doing very well and gets more ‘at home’ evey day. He is a sweet and gentle boy. Oh does he need special attention if there is a thunder/lightening storm? Let me know. LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU, Momma
Um…. where is your blog?? Its been a couple days and I wanna hear from you! I hope you are having a good time still and we miss you bunches. Cant wait to here from you again! We all love you Ang!