take to hospital?
ok ~ I am sick. Weird noises are coming from my lungs, so I must be sick. I’m coughing, but everyone is coughing. I’m sneezing, but everyone is sneezing. I’m totally wiped out and my lungs are making a weird noise ~ so I must be sick.
NO, I will not “go to hospital” like everyone else does for the slightest ailment ~ “I have stomachache ~ go to hospital” “I have hangnail ~ go to hospital.” “I’m getting a zit ~ go to hospital.” “I have runny nose ~ go to hospital”. I am willing to go to the one clinic on the island that has an English-speaking professional on staff, but it means going with Ct1 ~ I think I would rather suffer, but …
I had an exam, a chest x-ray, a pulmonary test … everything is “normal”. My treatment is for “temporary (3-7 days) asthma”. I have never heard of temporary asthma, but maybe it’s the yellow dust syndrome. Orders are to wear a mask, take the inhaler for 3 days, return to clinic on Saturday. Now everything should be fine. Ignore that EVERY OTHER HUMAN BEING in the school is coughing up a lung … at least the “whitie” went to the doctor.
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