BootsnAll Travel Network

“home” at last

It has been an extraordinarily long day … but we are finally “home”. 

We started loading luggage at 730a.  Most of us were involved in “evening services” last night and feeling a bit crunchy this morning, but somehow everyone managed to clear out of the dorms by 10, just in time for the Closing Ceremony (more cultural experience performances, presentations, star awards, blah, blah, blah)  and the final goodbye to roomies and new friends.  Lots of tears and exchange of info …  ok, enough.  Go away, it will give me a chance to miss you.

The first stop was the Incheon Metro City office of Education, where we met our co-teachers and reviewed paperwork.  Next, we drove to our schools to meet the Principal and Vice Principal.  Finally, we went to our apartments. 

There are four of us placed in Ganghwa ~ a married couple from New Zealand South Africa (correction), Tim from Canada, and me.  We are all in different schools, but Tim and I are living in the same apartment building.  Trevor and Nicollete are living somewhere across town, but we already ran into them at the market, so I suspect we will see each other occasionally. 

We won’t have internet access in our apartments for a week or so, but we found a PC bang (game room) in our neighborhood, which is where we are right now. 


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