BootsnAll Travel Network

Marcelo & Norika's RTW Trip

Careful Planning v. Spontaneity: which side will take the cake?

Ready To Go…

January 27th, 2010

Last minute winter activities before we head South!


Trip Itinerary Page is up!

January 23rd, 2010

Right there, on the TOP RIGHT  ——————————————————> (then go up a bit!)

We figured that would be a good way to add content to this blog while we wait for travel stories to actually unfold.


Alana’s Crepe Party

December 20th, 2009

Alana’s Crepe Party, originally uploaded by amicornorkale.

Testing our blog’s picture settings. There will be plenty of pictures of Norika and I in the future, so we figured Alana and her delicious crepes should do the honors.



First post

November 18th, 2009

Acronym for the win.
