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Archive for May, 2011

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SCOTUS trip to Washington, D.C.

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

We were in D.C. last week to watch the Supreme Court of the United States in action.  The feeling?  Similar to a rock concert, albeit in the AM. Justice Scalia was ruthless, Justice Breyer rambled on, and Justice Thomas… remained silent, 5 years and counting.

Capitol at sunrise

SCOTUS building

Washington monument

Vietnam memorial

Lincoln memorial

La Casa Blanca

Michelle Obama's famous Whitehouse vegetable garden

Constitutional nuggets


Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011


We spent the first half of Spring Break in Boston, including my birthday.  We were out-of-practice in terms picture-taking, so no food photos… and no Lady Gaga footage either!  All the better, all the better…