Our last week in Australia!..
Our last week in Oz was spent making the most of our friends – old and new in ‘The Church’ and making the most of still being in Sydney
We hung out on Level 1 with the boys the morning after the ballet then that evening we went to the cinema and unexpectedly came across a Celeb premier for an Aussie film called ‘I Love You Too’ – red carpets, paps the works. Not that we recognised anyone but it was fun to see! The following day we headed to Bondi Beach which was lovely, and as the good weather continued the following day we had a picnic in Hyde Park Friday was a rainy day and so we headed down to the Australia Museum which was really interesting and that night we just hung out in the hostel with everyone. On Saturday we went down to Paddy’s Market and had chinese with Seb then that night everyone got ready to go out. A guy in our room had entered an amature stand-up competition a few weeks before and he had made it to the final which was supposedly on that night so a massive group of us were going to go down and support him…as we arrived at ‘Star Bar’ he discovered that infact the final had been moved back to a different date and tonight it was 5 established comics, eventhough he’d only ever done stand-up the one time in the heats we all persuaded him to take part anyway and he was brilliant.. honestly better than some of the ‘pros’ – he was so happy afterwards and it was so fun to do something a bit different to start off the night. After a few glasses of wine at the comedy club we headed down to a bar at ‘The Rocks’ and I was still sitting up chatting outside our hostel at 5.30AM so a good night was had by all
Sunday, of course was Recovery Day which consisted of eating cookies and watching scary movies in our duvets and before we knew it it was Monday morning…our last day in Oz We went for a walk down by Darling Harbour and had a treat at the Lindt Cafe before going back to do our laundry and packing and then We went out for dinner that night just the three of us to say goodbye to Mikaela.. it was a pretty emotional evening and we didn’t sleep a wink before having to get ready to leave at 4am.
So that is 3months of our journey over and I honestly cannot believe how fast it has gone and although we were so sad to leave, I’m sure New Zealand will have a whole other adventure in-store…
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