BootsnAll Travel Network

Back in Sydney!..

After going a bit wild we arrived in Sydney feeling pretty ill as we checked into Westend Backpackers.. we are currently staying on level 2 in ‘The Church’ – it’s a 32 bed dorm, all of us share 4 toilets and 3 showers, it’s a good laugh and a compleeete mess haha! (our fraser boys stay here now and recommended it!)

We’ve been out the past few nights with some of our Aussie friends which was a good laugh and it has been a long weekend here as it was Anzacs day on Sunday so everyone is in really good spirits. On Sunday we went to watch the parade and i have honsetly never seen so many people in Uniform, sailors, army, police etc,etc. Everyone was wearing thier medals and there were drums and bagpipes as they marched through the main streets. Anzacs day is the only day of the year where you can gamble legally outside of the casinos and so that evening we headed over to the Sugar Mill at Kings Cross where we got involved with a game of Two-Up. It is the traditional game played and all the pubs were packed out, basically theres a guy with a paddle that holds two coins then everyone places thier bets -while we were going for ‘$5 on tails!’ many people were going for $150 plus which was pretty exciting! You guess if it’s going to be 2 tails or two heads when the coins are tossed, guys go around finding people to match each others bets and then whoever wins keeps the money. I came back $5 up and that was good enough for me!

Last night we went to The Sydney Opera House to see a Ballet called The Silver Rose! We really wanted to try and see something there as it’s such a once in a lifetime thing and when the guy on the desk told us that if we’re under 26 and free on a monday then they offer cut-price tickets we couldn’t resist – $47 instead of $101 and worth every cent 🙂 What an experience.

We have exactly one week left in Australia so i’ll let you know how it goes soon, XXX


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