My Great American Juice Fast
14 Aug
If you know me at all, you know I have major emotional connections to the food I eat. The plethora of books available about “What to eat” and “How to eat” tells me that many other people struggle with food, too. In the past, if I was feeling bad, sad, mad or just something didn’t feel right… I’d end up munching, crunching, ‘secret eating’.. filling the uncertainty of the void for a very obvious cover-up bodily sensation; a tummyache.
Over the years I’ve observed friends, family, and strangers with similar habits. The results of stuffing face tends to be gaining weight (surprise), low self esteem, pessimism, being secretive, crappy health, yucky skin, depression, lack of motivation, increased hunger, less satisfaction, and no zest for life. I’ve watched myself rise and fall on the waves of life, often experiencing these results of stuffing face, and stuffing emotions too.
Fasting, detoxing, cleansing, yes I’ve tried it before. I’ve experimented with the Master Cleanse, every six months for years and years and years. The effects were always strong; lose a couple of pounds, days of introspection, more time, less preparing and cleaning after meals, and many days of feeling great. Last year I tried an Alkaline Detox Diet consisting of no spices or salt and a very specific meal plan of some cooked and some raw veggies and fruit. The results were moderate; since I was still eating solid foods it was difficult to keep my mind off condiments that would enhance the flavor of the veg. I missed sriracha.
I believe moderation (in moderation) is key. Better to give yourself what you need to be healthy and happy.. whatever you need whenever you need it. After watching Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, a documentary about juicing, I’m feeling inspired to give my body what it wants and needs. I currently want and need: healing, micronutrients, hydration, better liver function, less hormonal overload, more energy, the possibility of clear skin, and the satisfaction of completing something.
I found a juicer on craigslist for FREE… the universe always delivers! Coincidence? Probably. Will I be happier, healthier, healed, and detoxed in another week? I hope so.
Has anybody else every done a juice fast? Tell me how it went… and wish me luck!
Day One:
celery, carrots, tomato, watermelon, cantaloupe, alfalfa sprouts, lemon, apples, cucumber, cabbage, lettuce
Day Two:
beets, apples, celery, cucumber, ginger, kale
Day Three:
tomatoes, celery, cucumber, lemon, spinach, apple, carrot
Day Four:
Day Five:
Day Six: