Tag Archives: Busan

“It’s the Year of the… Rat…”

10 Feb

“It’s the Year of the… Rat…”

Hello from Korealand. Home of the fusion of many different Eastern traditions and celebrations, including Chinese Lunar New Year! In Korea, your age is different. Yes, that’s right kids. If you are born in, say November 1982… by the Lunar New Year in February 1983… you are officially 2 YEARS OLD in this crazy world. So when you meet someone here and they say how old they are, you can almost always assume it’s at least a year or two less. Interesting tid-bit.

But, the best part of the LUNAR NEW YEAR (aside from it being more accurate and sensical than whatever calendar we westerners follow) is that I GET FIVE CONSECUTIVE DAYS OF WORK OFF! And you know what that means… ADVENTURE TIME!