BootsnAll Travel Network

Why I am Tired and Not Lazy; Or How to Live in a City in Only 8 days

1) Arrive in SF. Watch the sunset over the entire city from a hilly, windy bluff thingie in the Marin Headlands. Gasp at all the beauty.
2) Spend your first week interviewing for jobs, apartments, doing all that dmv fancyshmancy shite. Drive around a lot and get lost.
3) Discover you have a social life here that includes: really amazing amazing sushi, like I can’t even tell you how amazing; riding around pretty hills on a motorcycle (as a passenger, but vamos a ver I’ll learn soon); going to the ocean and learning about sea arches; camping on Angel Island on the full moon and doing light photography (by this I mean playing with long shutter speeds so you can do things like spell your name or draw a tree with a flashlight against the backdrop of the city skyline); tequila and new people; yarn and belt shopping; lounging in sunlight people watching in Dolores Park (perhaps my favoritest of all favorite SF traditions)…I think it goes on.
4) Spend 3 days observing PPL work her magic in the upper elementary classroom of a beautiful school where I, cross my fingers, will hopefully be able to work someday (as anything!)
4a) Move in to a new apartment. Do gads of laundry…still sitting unfolded on your bed.
5) Get a call from the Nanny Agency that has hired you pimping you out to extremely wealthy families to run around after their 2 year old which is alternatingly hillarious and devestatingly tiring.
6) Drive home from 10 hours of work with said family. Buy gads of food from Trader Joe’s after nearly dieing trying to cross Masonic. Arrive at new apartment. Meet new housemates. Make white bean turkey chilli and eat, thinking you might die because you forgot to bring a lunch to ritzy richy and didn’t want to ask if you can eat some of their food.
7) Write this blog post and crash.


One response to “Why I am Tired and Not Lazy; Or How to Live in a City in Only 8 days”

  1. Pete D (Tall, dark.) says:

    Hey Zil,
    I saw some of your footprints in one of my Memphis stories, so I had to come over to your place in San Fran and follow you around for a weekend. You know how to live! Live on.

    I would get a hoot out of talking about Guate again

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