BootsnAll Travel Network

Planning is over / Gata de drum.

I will do the unthinkable and try to write a brief blog. I will be really happy if I’ll be able to keep my promise and get in front of the computer on a regular basis while on vacation.

On another note, this blog will have to be in English and Romanian. So just to get it over with I apologize in advance for my spelling mistakes in both languages

After planning my 2007 trip since January, and some crazy busy months this summer, I am ready to go, without any doubt whatsoever…

Below is the plan:

Am sa incerc imposibilul si am sa incerc sa scriu un blog. Cei care stiu cit nu imi verific emailurile vor intelege de ce as fi foarte fericit daca mi-as tine promisiunea si as scrie cu oarece regularitate in timpul vacantei. ( sau in general….)

Blogul va fi in engleza si romana. Ca sa clarific de la inceput imi cer scuze anticipat pentru toate greselile tipografice.

Dupa ce mi-am planificat excursia anului 2007 din ianuarie, si tinind cont ce program innebunitor am avut in vara asta, sint fara nici un dubiu gata sa plac in concediul asta.

Mai jos am listat itinerariul.

September 12 & 13: Toronto – Paris – Damascus
September 14: Cross into Lebanon, visit Baalbek and spend the night in Beirut
September 15: Tour of Beirut and Byblos, drive back to Damascus
September 16 & 17 : Allepo
September 18: Hama and Crac Des Chevalier
September 19th & 20th: Palmyra
September 21st& 22nd: Damascus
September 23rd& 24th: Amman
September 25th : Dead Sea & Petra
September 26th: Petra and Wadi Rum, spend the night in the desert./ Dormit in desert.
September 27th: Camel trek to Aqaba
September 28th: Visit Aqaba and enjoy the beach
September 29th: Transfer to Amman and fly to Bucharest, Romania
September 30th to October 7th – visit Bucharest and Galati
October 8th: Bucharest – Paris – Toronto
October 9th: Start planning the next trip!/ Incepe planificarea pentru urmatoarea excursie!

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One Response to “Planning is over / Gata de drum.”

  1. Lilly Pulitzer Says:

    Good luck getting people behind this one. Though you make some VERY fascinating points, youre going to have to do more than bring up a few things that may be different than what weve already heard. What are trying to say here? What do you want us to think? It seems like you cant really get behind a unique thought. Anyway, thats just my opinion.

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