Aqaba and final comments
Aqaba is the final destination of the Middle East portion of my trip. After a bit more research last night on the option of visiting Eilat in Israel I decided not to go mainly because of the very short time I would have to enjoy the city. Other travelers told me that it would be an extremely fast border crossing; significantly different than what I heard yesterday.
Anyway, snorkeling and enjoing the Red Sea beach seemed a much better option. In a good upselling effort, the hotel mentioned the scuba dive option. I was more than happy to do it, the only issue is that I did not mention the detail that I’ve never scuba dived before.
If you are a certified diver the going rate is 26 JD for one dive or 40D for two dives during the same day. In my case it was 42JD for one.
There are many diving sites and companies around Aqaba. I went to Royal Diving Club and was very happy with the service. Judging by the large numbers of divers that were starting their dive there it looked like a good option.
The club is located about 10 minutes outside of Aqaba, and it provides a shuttle that runs every hour and a half, for only 1JD.
Considering that this was my first dive I am quite happy that I was able to pay some attention to the coral and wildlife and not focus only on breathing or operating the air vest. We reached a maximum depth of 12 meters and by far the most difficult part of the whole experience was to equalize the pressure in the ears. I guess a bit more practice will help.
I asked the question if any of the life forms were dangerous or poisonous, and the guide assured me that none would be. I chose to believe him however stayed far from any of them.
I am not really used to having a slow day, but I admit I needed one and today was a perfect relaxation day.
Tommorow I will fly Royal Jordanian to Amman and continue my trip from there.
Before wrapping up a final note that Jordan is a lot more expensive than Syria. Many prices are comparable with what you would pay in North America. There are still some deals to be had. If you visit, be prepared and enjoy.
In closing the highlights of this trip through Lebanon, Syria and Jordan were:
– Byblos, Jeita Grotto and Beirut, great views and history, much safer than most people are willing to believe. Driving back from Beirut through the mountains and a visit to Beitadine is priceless
-Palmyra, impressive Roman ruins a great sunset and unbelievably good fresh dates
-Krak de Chevaliers one impressive castle.
-Old Damascus and its many souqs and merchants
-Dead Sea
-Jordan in general.