BootsnAll Travel Network

There is always an open door…

Life has a funny way of humbling you when you think you have it all figured out. I think its God’s humor to be honest… him chuckling from above as he shifts your life quickly and harmlessly away from what you spent so long perfectly planning out. And although you may not realize it at the time, when he shuts one door he has left another one open leading you toward something so perfect you couldn’t have planned it yourself after all. That is what I’m beginning to realize anyway as the days move on in OZ. (what Aussies call Australia).

I did not get the internship position at Draft. In past semesters, they have had room for up to three interns based on their work load, but this semester they only had room for one. That spot ended up going to my older, more advertising savvy roomate, Britt. Although I couldn’t be happier for her, it has left me again with no internship and left to wait patiently for what God has in store for me. I spoke with my internship coordinator, Larry, and he gave me three other possible options for a Marketing/PR internship: A position at a huge casino/hotel on the harbour “Star City” helping with their marketing, an art gallery downtown Gallery 4A and a internship with One Basketball. (One of their basketball leagues in Australia from what I understand). I told him any of these positions would be wonderful, and he gave me a contact for One Basketball who I am going to try and call tomorrow. So we will see how it goes.

In being here nearly five weeks now, I am beginning to learn that there is no sence in crafting this master plan for your life. Because lets face it, life is unpredictable… yet that is part of what makes it so endearing and what makes each day new and exciting. I’m guilty of worrying, A LOT about things I cant control. It is one of the characteristics I hate most about myself; it is needless and just a collossal waste of time. Being in a new place where there are endless uncertainties, I could worry myself sick if I allowed it. But thankfully, I’m learning the importance of LIVING. Just BEING. Living each day to the fullest–embracing its challenges and reveling in the sheer joy it brings.

Having dreams is important, but drafting out a plan for your future just isn’t. Life has a strange way of working itself out in its own time, at its own pace. I find it challenging to let go sometimes and just roll with the punches… but I’m working on it;) You’ve just got to have faith…and in the mean time…while you are patiently waiting for all the answers to reveal themselves to have to just live and appreciate each passing day for the blessing that it is.


5 Responses to “There is always an open door…”

  1. yanni Says:

    Hi Traci,

    I have thoroughly enjoyed your logging of your adventures. I have tried to keep up with reading them but have found that the wedding and “back to school” have been consuming my time. However, from what I have read….I am very jealous. The beaches (comparable to PC and Mexicos I presume) look wonderful and I wish you luck in your search for the internship. Personally, I would pursue the casino, however Im sure the rest of my family would go for Basketball. You are right about doors closing and opening. I would have bet (my gambling addiction is showing through) that Missy would be teaching at North but due to uncontrollable circumstances it did not happen. She will be at New Berlin West teaching chemistry and coaching Freshman Basketball. She is so excited.
    Gotta go get the other child out of bed for his last day of work. He’s headed back to LAX on friday. (not sure who is more excited).
    Keep up the great writing as I am living Australia through you .

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. Grandma Says:

    Hi Traci,

    Thanks for the update. That spot wasn’t meant to be. With your attitude about life and your beautiful way of putting it into words, the better alternative is waiting for you somewhere else. You probably got some of your “worrying” genes from me as I spent much of my life doing the same thing about things that are totally out of my control. You are right – it is a total waste of time and energy! You have a big head start on me of gaining the right perspective. As you grow in years, you will find that the “live each day” attitude will ease your worrying.

    I will be anxious – but not worried- to hear about your new interviews and adventures. It sounds like you have plenty of reading to do to fill your time in the meantime.

    I’m sure you have heard by now about Sunday and Jeff and Holly’s. It turned out to be a real pool party with almost everyone jumping in his pool including your mother (with their clothes on). Your dad and I were about the only two that didn’t. I was in charge of Emily as Brian and Heather were in the pool too! Your dad somehow begged off despite the humiliation being thrown at him by everyone else in the pool. It was a beautiful weather day and one to remember!

    Time to get busy now as it is Tuesday and time to resurrect the house again after my day with Lauren and Emily. I had a tent made in the living room for Lauren and there is always a little straightening up to do.

    More soon and I always love to hear from you.

    Love always,


  4. Posted from United States United States
  5. MOMBO Says:

    Hey Babe,

    I am so impressed with what a mature young woman you are. I continue to be enormously proud of the wonderful person you are. The right opportunity will present itself at the right time. Be patient and it will all work out as it is supposed to.

    Grandma said you inherited some of your worrying traits from her. Well, you also picked up some of those from your mother. But as Grandma said, you are learning at a far younger age that it is a useless exercise. Worrying doesn’t change anything. Enjoy each day for what it has to offer and let the course of life evolve. None of us can “plan” for everything.

    Tara is headed back to Mad City today. We did some grocery shopping last night to get her started in her new apartment. It will be quiet around the house. The two of you will be missed.

    Well, I am headed of to another day at the J-O-B 🙂 Enjoy the beautiful day.

    I love you, MOM

  6. Tbone Says:

    I love you and Im proud to be your younger sister no matter what…..enough said:)

  7. Heather Says:


    Keep your head up high. Things work out like they are supposed to. I know you will enjoy your time in Austrilia no matter what happens with the internship. You WILL find something else. You are an incredible young woman with so much ambition. By the way, I have been know to “worry” myself! It must run in the family!!! : ) Take things as they come and hang in there.

    We all love you here so much.

    Lauren sends a big hug. Like I tell you, she asks me almost on a daily basis if it’s Christmas yet because she wants you to be home. It’s almost like talking to someone who has a memory problem!!!! Every time she talks about it, it makes me think of you. You are on my mind so much.

    Just remember, we’re all proud of you!

    Heather, Brian, Lauren, Emily and of course SINATRA!!!

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