BootsnAll Travel Network


I’m headed to Melbourne, Australia from Thurs night-Sunday morning with a few of my roomates/friends to roam the city. (The trip also involves a 12 hours bus ride one way on the good ole greyhound, so that should be interesting;)). I will definitely post an update when I get back to fill you in on the weekend… .. oh.. and HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U!



  1. Grandma Says:

    Hi Traci,

    Have fun in Melbourne. I was just reading in the paper this morning that the World Gymnastic championships are going to be held in Melbourne in November. Chelsey Memmel, from West Allis, is on the team. It would be interesting if you could go down there then and cheer on the US team!

    More soon

    Love, Grandma

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. Tbone Says:

    Hey Trae….. have soooo much fun on your little get away…..check out the pad of you know who and let me know how it looks. Love you!

  4. Posted from United States United States
  5. Mom Says:

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend in Melbourne. I will be anxious to hear your updates when you return to Sydney (especially about the 12 hour bus ride 🙂 ) Until your safe return…..

    Love MOM

  6. Posted from United States United States

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