BootsnAll Travel Network

LIVE AND LEARN: “Really good juice!”

Ok.. so.. three new blogs for you guys to read in one night. You can see the difference having the internet at my fingertips makes;) This story was to great to pass up though. I’ll make it short. So, Anna, Jen, Bree and I were sitting at the nice steak dinner we made for ourselves when Jen poured herself a big glass of juice she just bought from the store. She was like.. “Oh my god this is the best juice I have ever tasted!” And we all proceeded to take a sip. (It was a bit sweet for my liking… but good nonetheless). Over the course of dinner, she finishes her glass and our roomate Alex comes home and joins us at the table. (this is a key point.. you’ll see why in just a minute).

So, Bree decides she wants some of the juice so she pours herself a glass and jen another 1/2 a glass. At first she is drinking pretty quickly.. but over the next few minutes, you can tell shes struggling taking it down. Finally Bree goes.. “Oh wow.. this is really getting sweet (and pours a little water in with the juice).” Alex hears this and goes, “Are you sure its not cordial? A lot of Australians drink Cordial…you are SUPPOSED to add water to it!” Bree walks over to the fridge, and sure enough… Apple Raspberry Cordial. The directions: add FOUR PARTS WATER to ONE PART CORDIAL!! Oh well! YOU LIVE AND LEARN!


3 Responses to “LIVE AND LEARN: “Really good juice!””

  1. Tbone Says:

    Haha….that reminds me of Anne of Green Gabels. You sound like you guys are just having such a good time trying to figure everything out. Im sure its just non stop laughs there. Props to you for doing the Bridge climb…didn’t know you had the guts to do something like that but im proud of ya Trae:) Have a good day. Love ya~Tara

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. Yo Mama Says:

    Hi Traci,

    I am glad to see journal items after the bridge climb. It seemed to take awhile to hear from you. I wanted to make sure you survived the climb 🙂 Tara told me last night not to fear because you were talking online PHEW!!!!

    I chuckled at the picture of all booze in cans. Actually, I guess it doesn’t really matter how it is packaged as long as it is available 🙂

    It sounds like you and your roomies are maximizing your adventures and enjoying yourselves. I am very happy for you!!!!

    Will look forward to hearing from you again soon.


  4. Posted from United States United States
  5. Heather Says:


    Your journal entries are too cute. I love hearing what you are doing and how exciting your life is in Austrilia. Like you say, you live and learn.

    Thanks for keeping us up to date!


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