BootsnAll Travel Network

Boys in Aerobics Class!?

Since I’ve posted last, its been a mello few days. Me and the roomates have spent a lot of time with one another, and unfortunately time has been spent on SCHOOL. But, since we decided to forgo the Paddington Markets for the day because 1) we stayed out late last night in downtown Sydney and 2) the budgets are already getting tight after booking a massive spring break trip up the East Coast of Australia, I have time to reflect on a few things I’ve learned since being here. So here goes:

1) No one is EVER on time here. I’m sitting in class wednesday, and being who I am, I show up 10 minutes early for lecture and am not surprised to walk into a completely empty lecture hall. The class is supposed to start at 1:00 and run till 2:00, and after talking with my friend Rachel for 20 minutes, the teacher finally strolls in at 1:15. When she does arrive, she has forgot something that allows her to play a video she wanted to show us, so she leaves and comes back another five minutes later. When she does get back, she cant get the video projector working and it is now 1:35 when she decides to give up and start to lecture. She talked for about 10 minutes, gave the video another attempt, played it for about 5 minutes and let us go at 1:55. So apparently, 1 hour lectures here can be condensed quite nicely into 15 minutes:)

2) LOOK RIGHT! Upon arriving in australia, that is one of the first things you learn as an American. Look right when crossing the street. I realize it doesn’t seem challenging to cross an intersection without getting flattened by an oncoming car, but here, when the cars are driving on the left side, making left hand turns on red, and turning across traffic from the right lane, it gets pretty confusing. Not only that, but instantly people can tell I’m not from the area because on the sidewalk the first few days, I kept walking into people! Here I am minding my own business, walking on the right side of the sidewalk… trying to be polite, yet in a country where everyone walks on the left side of the sidewalk, I found myself running head on into quite a lot of disgruntled australians.

3) “A night out” in Sydney will always be interesting: Last night when the roomates and I decided to go into the city to the bars, we learned very quickly that “The bar scene” in australia is not limited to college students. More then half the bar patrons were men and women between the ages of 40 and 60, that were not just out to sit with friends and have a beer. They were SLOSHED, dancing and (when not in the company of a significant other) hitting on younger women and men! I couldn’t help but thinking of my own parents and grandparents out side by side at the bar with me and my friends. Kinda wierd;) Not only that, but the bus system is an EXTREMELY popular and safe way for the drunks to get back to where they live. .. so needless to say, each bus ride home will have a story of its own I’m sure;)

4) (my personal favorite) GUYS TAKE AEROBIC CLASSES!: I show up for my first class “Body Attack,” (apparently outlawed in the states b/c it is so intense… or so they say;) ) Thurdsay evening with my friend Alex (a girl), and was shocked to see nearly half of the class were men! In my American fitness classes, if a man was anywhere CLOSE to the Aerobics room, he was just scoping out the ladies in spandex. Even more impressive, was that the class required an incredible amount of rhythm and coordination, and these guys were just nailing the routine! I was floored! Although, in all fairness, I do have to add, these “men” were not jocks, BUT STILL!!!!!!!

So there you have it! There are SO many other things I have learned about the culture, but I have rambled on quite enough for one day. (get used to the word “quite” in my vocabularly) They use it quite often here and that is one thing I am really picking up on! Tomorrow my roomates and two of our friends Rachel and Gina are going on the Hunter Valley Wine tour before a long second week of school! Miss everyone at home…keep sending the updates!


3 Responses to “Boys in Aerobics Class!?”

  1. Mom, Dad & Tbone Says:

    I am coming to Australia. You know I would be all over dancing in the clubs, even at my age 🙂 How accepting of the young adults to allow foggies like us to participate in their social scene 😉

    Party on……MOM

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. Grandma Says:

    Hi Trae,

    Your “rambling” is never boring or uninteresting. I look forward to every word!

    The aerobics class sounds very intense. With all of your dance and pom background, I’m sure you will do well. (Just don’t overdo!)

    My day with Alicia was fun. We spent most of the day at Brookfield Square and then she wanted to come back home with me to watch one of her favorite videos. It is a Mary Kate and Ashley one when they were about 10 years old. She has watched it so many times, but never gets tired of it.

    Tonight your mom and dad are taking care of Lauren and Emily while Heather and Brian get a little break. I’m sure all of their childhood care skills will come back in a hurry. It is good thing to keep up on as someday they will have grandkids of their own!!?

    Grandpa and I are having a quiet movie night. We have been on the go all week and it will be good to just be home. We went to Germanfest on Thursday night and last night your mom and dad invited us over for a spur of the moment visit. It was very nice as usual, but the bummer was that the Brewers lost again. (3 in a row)

    Talk about “rambling”, I must be the biggest one, but I enjoy “talking to you.”

    Love you Traci


  4. Posted from United States United States
  5. Coolest Aunt Hope Says:

    Excuse me Traci, but if you think Aunt Hope can’t party harder than some young college kids, you’ve done lost your mind!
    When you come back, we’re going to the bars to have a little competition! (However, I think we should leave Aunt Holly home because she’d show me up.) 🙂
    Thanks so much for keeping me updated, I’m having a great time reading about your travels. Photos are awesome too!
    Love you so much!
    Aunt Hope

  6. Posted from United States United States

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