BootsnAll Travel Network

Welcome to Mormon Country!

Today’s front page in the Utah Sunday paper said: Alcohol sales zoom 62%.
This was before we arrived here!  And that’s good, because after yesterday’s day on the road Alcohol was exactly what we needed today and we didn’t want to stand out too much, considering that I only have one wife.

After Allison’s last entry things didn’t go as smooth anymore. We spent too much time in Idaho and it was getting very late to find a campsite. We were very low on gas and no gas station in sight. The kids were getting very fuzzy in the car and we still didn’t know where to spend the night. To make matters worse, the Yodavan started making funny noises. And those noises weren’t funny ha ha.  Finally we reached a gas station and they even had RV parking in the back. Life was good again, at least until we saw what they considered a RV site. There where absolutely no amenities. No pool, no playground, no internet service, not even a toilet. THAT’S BAD! That’s probably why we where the only people on the site. LESSON LEARNED!

Today was much better. We spent little time in the car (the noise in the van came back after one hour of driving) and we found a campsite with lots of things to do for the kids. We now know, when the kids are happy, so are we.

Oh, I almost forgot. Our alcohol consumption and our monogamy didn’t raise any eyebrows in Mormon Country, but not sure if William naked on his scooter didn’t.


One response to “Welcome to Mormon Country!”

  1. Alisa says:

    I’ve enjoyed reading some of yours posts, as we are driving down to Mexico soon to stay in Ajijic. I saw your funny “Mormon” post…and although it made me laugh, my hope was that your poking fun at Mormon polygamy was just in good-plain-fun, not seriousness. You may have noticed that no one else had more than wife as you passed through Utah…considering it is not only illegal, but has not part of Mormon practice for over 100 years. Perhaps you are confusing Utah Mormons with sects you’ve heard about on the news…such as the ones on the compound in Texas?

    Anyhow…I’m not out to pick a fight…but just wanted to let you know that people from all of the world read your comments, and such statements lead to a lot of misunderstandings about a religion that is often misunderstood.

    Great blog…fun writing…and thanks for sharing your travels!

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