BootsnAll Travel Network


Here are some pictures of the ancient Nabateaen city of Petra. It was built in the third century BC. And we walked on it, through it, past it. We even laid down on the sacrificial table at ”The High Place of Sacrifice.” The city was a crossroads for the frankincense and myrrh trade from East Africa, as well as whatever else could be carried by camel from Africa to what is now Syria, Israel, Lebanon and further afield, as well as to the Saudi peninsula.

as siq
Hiking in for about a kilometer through a most amazing slot canyon. They call it the Siq. It was used as a ceremonial entrance to the city of Petra, by religious processions. Along the walls are small, worn away recesses where candles were placed for ceremonies at night. To the left you can also see a small canal carved into the wall. It was covered in flat stones and carried water along the Siq for surely nefarious purposes.

approach to treasury
At the end of the Siq you round a corner and see an incredible 2300 year-old building. It is called the Treasury, but in actuality it has nothing to do with money. Almost all of the remaining buildings in Petra were shrines or tombs or served some ceremonial purpose.

petra treasury
The doorway of the Treasury leads to a single large room, with another doorway in the back. I am assured that it neither leads to the holy grail nor Harrison Ford memorabilia.

Camels. In Petra. They stink. But I wanted to take one home anyway.

d inside room
Here is the Thrashin Badger himself chillin in a tiger room. I may be the only one who calls it that, but the colors made it look like tiger stripes. I don’t think there are any tigers here though. They would eat the camels. And the innumberable donkeys that are offered up for rides. And the innumerable tourists who would probably eat the camels too if they were told it is a local dish.

royal tombs
The Royal Tombs. Unlike the Treasury, these are actually royal tombs.

high place of sacrifice
After a vigorous hike up a canyon in the shade, we hit on ”The High Place of Sacrifice.” This is also exactly what it was. From the sacrificial alter (on the right at the small steps) you can see down on most of the Petra valley. S is on the left. She forgot her goat, so she had to take a time out and think about being more responsible in the future. The entire year’s crop of baklava may ride on that missed sacrifice. But Thrashin Badger stepped up and sacrificed a bit of Oreo, some Laughing Cow (La Vache Qui Rit!) cheese, and some drops of Tang to the Nabataean gods of yore.

indiana jones
This is the real Indiana Jones. Brown University is excavating the Grand Temple. It is a fascinating ruin, but you have to wait for another entry to see better pictures of the Temple itself.

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2 Responses to “Petra”

  1. Brother Says:

    The tall walls of rock with narrow passage remind me of Lake Powell (except at Lake Powell the floor is water, not sand). Keep the pics coming!

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. Mark Says:

    You have chosen well.

  4. Posted from United States United States

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