Unexpected Appetizers
Yesterday, Matteo and I ate dinner at a popular Cairene restaurant. We were seated directly across from a middle-aged Egyptian couple, who were served their dinner shortly after we ordered our own.After some shy smiles, the four of us launched into an amusing pidgin conversation consisting of sign language, the English words “OK” and “good,” and Arabic. We said hello, confirmed relationships (they were married, and we were “married”), and talked about kids– in response to the woman and man’s pitying looks for our childless union, Matteo notably declared in Arabic that we wanted a walad or boy (I thought he was encouraging sexist traditions; he claimed he couldn’t remember the word for “child”), resulting in a rousing chorus of my favorite Arabic word, inshallah (“God willing”), from all present.Then, as I continued to wait for my dinner, the woman gestured to her plate, asking me to sample some of the chicken that she was eating. I thanked her and declined. A minute later, she asked again. And again I declined, “La, shukran.” Undeterred, she speared a piece with her fork and shoved it toward me with a teasing, yet utterly no-nonsense look on her face. Well, ok then. I plucked the chicken from her fork with my fingers and popped it into my mouth.Pleased with her victory, she proceeded to feed me additional pieces of chicken from her plate, commenting through obvious gestures- and with giggles shared by her husband- that I needed to fatten up (presumably to be in fine form for conceiving that precious little walad). After the chicken, and after several unsuccessful attempts to explain that I had a dinner of my own coming shortly, I was treated to some of her stuffed grape leaves, cucumber and mint salad, and pita bread.Later, she began transferring food from her husband’s plate to mine. He laughed each time. Whether her actions were cruel punishment for some offense I had unwittingly committed or were simply acts of relentless Egyptian hospitality, I’ll never know. (In any case, the food was tasty.)A half-hour or so later, finished with their meal, the couple cheerfully waved goodbye and left Matteo and I alone at the table. And seconds after their departure, the waiter served our dinner.
Tags: Cairo, Egypt, Food, RTW 07/08