Hong Kong Airport – Deja Vu
This will be another quick one, folks, so CLS you won’t burn the toast! Basically I just wanted to use and abuse the free internet connection at HK airport. This really is a great airport, how every airport should be in fact (Bangalore, please take note). Good job I like it here really, as I’ll be passing through it a total of three times on my jaunt through Asia. Two down, one to go.
On my last night in HK, I wandered down to Kowloon harbour as I wanted to watch ‘A Symphomy of Lights’ (their words, not mine). This is a light show put on every single night, using something unique to HK – the beautiful, futuristic skyline on Hong Kong Island. It’s so strange, I’m a bit of a philistine when it comes to architecture really, but I never thought something so man-made and recent could be so beautiful. And beautiful it is, there is no other word for it. I showed my usual lack of restraint with the camera, so I’ll put the photos online as soon as possible. The light show lasts 15 minutes, and is accompanied by atmospheric music. Basically, all the skyscrapers on the opposite side of the bay put on a light show in time with the music, and, despite sounding quite corny, it’s actually quite pretty.
And again, it sums up what I like best about HK. They put something like that on for free, every night, just to show off what a great place it is.
Come immediately, if not sooner.
Tags: China, Travel
Hey I’ve enjoyed reading your blog the past few days, and the last 2 posts I especially liked. Thanks for taking the time to write a quality blog! Your blog has been touted as “Blog of the Week” at Blogging Abroad, congrats and best of luck on your travels!
Hey Suze
You ain’t seen nothing until you have seen Sheila with her sparklers on family birthdays.
Hi Suze, You are correct, no burnt toast on that blog!! If you are looking for a home for Hello Kitty look no further, we have got 14 months to complete it for you!! As I’ve said before it is lovely to be able to follow every step of your adventure, you seem so confident in your journey and I’m sure that confidence will only increase. I agree with Anna that Michael’s wedding next year is ensuring you return home ( wonder how much Aunty Rosie has paid him!! only kidding!! ) Look forward to more blogging. I’m keeping an eye on messenger but haven’t caught you online yet!! Take care, love and miss you lots . Big kiss from Gabi ( PS Mummy has let me have my ear’s pierced much to Grandma’s dismay!!) x x
Wow Suze – “Blog of the Week” (and that’s without all your family having voted). I’m very biased but I totally agree with what Casey says – it is a quality blog.
Love you lots.
Hi Suzie: Glad to hear you’re getting on a plane and not one of those LONG……….
train journeys. Hope you’ll have a few days relaxation but knowing you, you’ll be on the move -… Lovely spell of nice weather here, (my two days off Tues/Wed). Take good care
BLOOGER OF THE WEEK!1 (very impressed)
Lots of love – God Bless Auntie Rosemary x
Hi Suze
After all the walking you have done around tourist sites, I would like you to nominate you for plodder of the week as well.
It sounds as though you’re really loving Hong Kong airport what with the free internet access and all. I hope you don’t miss it too much once you’re in Cambodia. But if you do and feel the need to shed a tear, I’d like to nominate you for blubber of the week.
love you lots,
A well deserved “blogger of the week”…keep up the good work!!!
……and all those “freebies” make you blagger of the week