BootsnAll Travel Network

Some news and pictures, YES pictures at last!!!! =)

hallo Jungs und Medels!!!!! Wie geht´s ?
I´m fine and happy. I´m still in Ibiza, but plannig to leave soon to Barcelona, maybe the first week or so from October.
I have a job offer there and that´s the reason of my travel. I still don´t know where I´m gonna work but it´s with the same owner
from the restaurant where I was working in. He has some things there as well, and I have three options of work: waiter, electrician or worker. I still don´t know, and I´m not the one who decides, I really don´t mind any of the options, but…

Now some actual news. Since the last time I wrote, I´ve had many visits and it´d be a pitty not to talk about them and even more not to show some pictures!! =)
First visitors where La Raba and Morky, two good friends of mine. We know each other since the years of la panela, jaja, they stayed a week and we definively had some fun!!! was a whole week of beach and Bora-Bora as I sayed in the last post, and almost every night we went to diferent night clubs. Just check it out!

Morky and me at the beach with a nice&cold jarr of sangria!!

La Raba and myself after drinking the Jarrssss 😉

jajaja!! lots of fun!!!!

Then the following week came Juliana with Jorge, a friend of hers. The plan was more of a relaxing vacations. That doesn´t mean that we didn´t have any fun. No Sir, we went to nice beaches and some clubs as well, as to Cafe del Mar to see a marvelous sunset. Let the images talk for themselves!
Juli, Jorge and me at Cafe del Mar

Juli, Jorge and me at Cafe del Mar

The magic of Cafe del Mar

The magic of Cafe del Mar

And at last but not least my beautiful Aoifita!!
She stayed for a week as well, but it was one of the most beautiful weeks in Ibiza! We went to the beach, had a fancy dinner and went to Formentera, wich is an island not far from Ibiza, only 25 minutes with the ferry, and has the most beautiful beaches ever. White sand, blue sea and sky. I can´t ask for more. Besides it has some cliffs as well with a lighthouse (Faro, Leuchtturm, Phare) at the end of it, it looks like a postcard, we had the chance to see half a sunset there, we almost missed the ferry, really nice. We rented a scooter so we were rarararararararararararar ( YES!!!! you got it!!! that´s the onomatopoeia from the scooter!!!jajaja!!) from coast to coast from the island. We went to Pacha on night to the closing party of Erik Morillo, really good music!
Now the good part, lets see some pictures!

Aoife & El Sombrero voltiao´

Aoife & El Sombrero voltiao´

The true beauty

The Chacho motorizado

The Chacho motorizado

Me banging Aoife´s head!!

Me banging Aoife´s head!!

My beautiful Guerrillera

My beautiful Guerrillera

A special place and moment

A special place and moment

Well that´s kind of what has happend here since trhe last time. I don´t have to work right now so I´m just having a break and enjoying the island at last. I´m really looking forward of going to Barcelona, what I´ve seen and heard of the city is really good. I´ll keep you informed.

Ok my babys, I´m tired of writing and sure you are tired of reading my bla bla bla, so until the next time!


And to finish with a golden broach some random pictures of my time here in Ibiza, enjoy!

Oscar and Rebeca
Oscar and Rebeca

Me with Es Vedra behind
Me with Es Vedra behind

The Staff from Cova Santa
The Staff from Cova Santa

Amnesia, one of those nights
Amnesia, one of those nights

Alex and me
Alex and me

Morky, La Raba and me after the party
Morky, La Raba and me after the party


At the beach with La Raba, Morky and Rebeca
At the beach with La Raba, Morky and Rebeca

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5 responses to “Some news and pictures, YES pictures at last!!!! =)”

  1. Pipo says:

    BRUTAL!!! chaval, que brutalidad de fotos, que vida, que todo!!!! wir vermissen dich sehr…. especialmente yo.
    Mataria por estar alla, pero a lo hecho pecho, por aqui esperando el pronto de regreso de sai, pero con muchas aventuras encima, claramente.
    (que pailera de amancida con la raba… ganz fritolay—- envidia.. no que va!)
    (pilas con las scooters!!!!)

  2. santipolo says:

    jajajaj, que nota de fotos simon, se nota que la has pasado un trrricitico de rico ala. claramente la seguiras pasando muy rico dende estes haciendo lo que te toque lo cual me alegra mucho. por aca nos haces muchicima falta. cuidate mucho.
    un abrazote

  3. Daniel Alvarez says:

    Compadre Ramón!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!que puteria de fotos!!!!se ve que la esta pasando muy muy rico,en serio que buena vaina.Bueno papaluca, sigala pasando asi de bien y aproveche cada momento al maximo, pues es una oportunidad que no mucha gente tiene, y la que la tienen, no la aprovechan, por eso lo me hace la verga lo que esta haciendo,y cuando tenga tiempito escriba,que leer es como seguir sus pasos, la verga en serio!!!!!!un abrazo, cuidese mucho,y portese mal pa pasarla bien!!!!!alvarinez

  4. Gerti says:

    Hi Simon,

    What the hell am I doing here in Mainz in the Lab??? Ich hab echt sowas von Lust gekriegt auf Urlaub!! Strand sonns meeeeeer. Aber alles in allem ist es ja eh ok hier bei den Chaoten ;)) Obwohl ich jetzt der Oberchaot bin, wahrscheinlich. Ich hab nämlich angefangen zu extrahieren, und ich hab in meiner langen langen Unichariere tatsächlich noch nie richtig im Labor gearbeitet. Vale?! Also der Wahnsinnn. Meine Banden sind scheisse, aber das wird sicher besser 😉

    Super, von dir was zu hören, wollte eh schon loänger mal schreiben. Traudel ist ja auch abgedüst jetzt. Johnathan und ich wollen vi9elleicht mal nach Barcelona fliegen, aber das steht noch nicht ganz fest. Vielleicth Nov/Dez. Aber scheinbar will Traudel auch nochmal nach D kommen.
    Naja. Ich mach mal wieder ein Gel, hein?!


  5. nicholas says:

    q mas, eche yo no entiendo una reve verrrr, eche diq en ibiza q hace hay el sombrero costeño, parece como si estuvieran en santa marta, oigan eche en q lugar fueron especifiquen q no dicen a donde fueron, diq cafe del mar??? eche esa vaina donde qea cule poko de exranjeros trabos, vale, jajaja

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