It’s yer bandth day….
Thursday, April 6th, 2006Go ‘head, go ‘head, it’s a bandh-day it’s a bandh day!
Well, here we are another four day bandh called by the SPA, which of course means, Seven Parties Association, as in the seven political groups of Nepal. Whenever I read these headlines, in the English newspapers, I think oh, is there a new spa? And then I read it, and find out it’s something completely different. It’s only in the past week to two weeks that the media or the political parties gave themselves this name. There are many acronyms and it’s hard to keep up with all of them.
But on to other things, this mandatory day off allows me to catch everyone up on the latest and greatest in the on-going saga of building a project, teaching massage therapy, managing a personal life, and managing life in the big dusty, dirty city.
Well, this past week was another nice milestone, or as Rob likes to say a ‘beautiful’ milestone. [read on]