Update on the visa.
Thursday, October 27th, 2005Awww YEYAAAAH!
Well, it was a five day process, going to the Nepali Immigration office, a couple of times, so that you can get the information you need, and then go back to at least have them start the process, and then go back and pretend like you’ve never been there before, but they remember you and they don’t want to tell you which new line on the new form needs to be updated before any paper work starts. And then they tell you that you Uncle has to come because his signature has to be verified.
But I got my 12 month, multiple entry visa. Why? Because I got it like that.
Technically, it’s a relations visa, which means that because my family is Nepali and also resides in Nepal, I pay $5USD/month for a visa, up to a year. It was a bit of a hassle, because my Uncle and I mistakenly thought that our paperwork we made 2 years ago, when I applied for the same Relations Visa. WRONG.
I had to get this Relations Certificate which proves my kinship with my Uncle. I had to go to city hall and get that. I did that yesterday. Luckily, we have friends that work in city hall, or also known as Nagarpalika. I don’t know if that is spelled correctly.
I paid $120 for a 12 month visa and multiple re-entry visa.
Thank god.