Thanksgiving, well, Post, thanksgiving…
Sunday, November 25th, 2007I don’t know where the time goes….just more into being in the moment then writing it down…but here’s something to ponder…
Yup. Being, poli….no, being, a humanist again…
Just to remind everyone there are people living there, with lives, just like us, shopping, eating, working, loving and living….can you imagine if someone came and dropped bombs on us, tanks rolling through our neighborhoods, doors being busted down, while you are watching TV or hiding in a closet praying for you life…with paramilitary pointing an AK at your head….while those same men sent to insure some sort of democratic process…or to protect a foreign country’s economy, well, you get the picture…
I suppose when I truly know that I am in abundance, full of wealth, so shall everyone….