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Archive for the 'Kathmandu Work' Category

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Change of plans….

Saturday, October 8th, 2005

Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond her control, documentary filmmaker, Beth Cloutier cancelled her trip to Nepal.

We will continue, as Rob has done since he arrived in Nepal, shooting footage for her, and when she is able to come, we will hand her the cinematography duties.

So goes it in the life of an independent filmmaker. It’ll be fun filming, I’ve always wanted to make a documentary.

More meetings

Saturday, October 8th, 2005

Meetings, meetings and more meetings. We’ve had a busy week, meeting with DWO, last week, and then the Tranquility School, and through them, a spa designing/spa concept company also met with us. [read on]

Documentary Clip

Wednesday, September 28th, 2005
I forgot!!! Check out filmmaker's Beth Cloutier's trailer about, Himalayan Healers. She is coming to Nepal to film more footage in a couple of weeks. Rob has filmed a lot of footage for her. Go to [Continue reading this entry]