…and a spider sat down beside her….
…and scared the living bejeezus out of me! I’ve been seeing this little black spider crawling on my wall for the past couple of days, thinking, I should get it out of here since I tend to be allergic due to sensitive skin if they decide to chew on me whilst sleeping.
So just 30 minutes ago, again the seemingly benign, tiny spider, ran across the wall like it’s been doing. Something makes me look and I see this big, brown monster spider just waiting for me to notice it on the brown carpet, blending in standing right next to my brown dresser. Stuck out like a big monster spider. It’s the same one I saw in the garage the other day as I shook out my shoes that are in the garage. It was big and it was great because it was outside. Well, it was now in my room.
And I wanted to catch it and put it back outside but it kept running away from me. Really fast.
Under the bed, then taunting me a few minutes later, I happen to look on the wall where my bed is and there it is, to defy me saying, I am free to bite you whilst you sleep. YO! I don’t think so, like Amy Winehouse says, “I said, NO, NO, NO” and then the spider said, (like Amy Winehouse), “when I come back you’ll KNOW KNOW KNOW!” and would run down to the floor camoflaging itself with the carpet and I pulled the bed back and tried to capture it with the plastic cup with no luck, it being really fast. It went under the bed, and I pulled out this large plastic storage container and saw the bugger in place where I couldn’t get to it, so I put the container back under the bed thinking it’ll come out to challenge me again.
Which it did–on the wall this time right next to my bed.
And then I began to pursue this spider with a vengeance, and furious anger (okay, not so angry but more furious anxiety) and chased this guy/gal down moving the bed all the way out of the corner and finally caught it. Of course I couldn’t tell because of the way it just camoflaged with the brown carpet but since I didn’t see it scurry around the floor it was safe to assume that I caught it. I scooped it up with a sturdy flyer that I got in the mail about Process Work Institute and perched it next to my laptop as I scoured images on the web (ha!) to find out what kind of nasty arachnid it was. It was large, and gave me the heebie-jeebies. I tried to find out according to geographic location but no such luck, but it might be a wolf spider, had the black markings on the body with the thicker legs. I tried to calm down, and thanked the spider for alerting me of its presence and then I realized that I should look up the totem, because it’s little black brethren which was probably running away so it wouldn’t get eaten by the monster arachnid didn’t get my attention, but the big brown monster arachnid certainly made me notice it enough to take action, and take action fast, did I!
Here’s a nice new (to me) site I found with an explanation for the spider medicine. See Spider Weaver, here’s an excerpt …”Unlike Spider we are not always able to consciously both create and travel through our creations. Nor do we have Spider’s ability to see our lives as a whole. So often we experience conflict in our lives, not knowing how to integrate desires and paths which seem in opposition to each other.”
And here’s the site that I usually use, see spider medicine, with a small excerpt: “When the spider crawls into our awareness it is asking us to rebuild the web of our life in accordance with the design the creator gave us.”
And here is a very in-depth interpretation of spider.
So what is this trying to tell me? Well, it seems that the crossroads (who isn’t at one at any point in time?) that I am at, says to see the web I’ve weaved thus far and see all the interconnectedness, and to see my life in a more integrated manner than seeing things in a closed, disconnected manner. Showing me once again to be in the present and not worry about my future. Staying in the infinite present as all three texts are reminding me.
So thank you grandmother spiders for grabbing my attention and remembering your great medicine.
No spiders were harmed in this real life story. The captured large spider was released outside in the middle of the street, under a beautiful moonlit night sky at 2:45 am, E.S.T. So no traffic in the neighborhood and I’m sure the newly released spider ran out of harms way and is building a nice web.
Tags: The Path of Life
Hi old friend,
Are you in Gainesville? So strange the twists and turns of life. I have been traveling to Gainesville almost every week for the past year. Doing meditation class and other healing. Funny, I drove through our old neighborhood several months back and could barely recognize your house (or mine). All the trees are taller and the houses all look different. I guess that is life. All is changing. So interesting to read your blog and see how your path is progressing. I would love to talk or email with you further. Also let me know if you are still in Gainesville, we should visit!