Energy healer on Inside Edition
I saw a segment on Inside Edition on a young guy who calls himself “Adam the Dream Healer.” He has written books, and tours Canada and probably the U.S. (can’t confirm that from the segment) doing group healings and teaching others how to tap into their own innate abilities for healing.
They had footage of him teaching to hundreds of people inside a large hotel conference room. He seemed sincere and even acknowledged that he was basically a conduit for energy work. He talked about his childhood how he unwittingly had objects flying around him and how one time he was on a bike ride with his mother when he started flying and flipping 360 degrees in the air, something like the scene in E.T. He said that he got his wisdom and technique from a large four foot crow in his hometown and has a picture of it which is also in one of his books. He can see into the body and see where the problem is where he
He claims to have healed many people of serious illnesses with visualization combined with energy work. They had a night vision camera shooting him performing a healing.
The reporter took a very skeptical view, questioning him about his abilities, calling him superman, with the exception of flight. He interviewed one woman, who had lung cancer and after seeing Adam she had a scan done and it was gone. They went to his hometown in Canada to see the large four-foot crow and asked an old man sitting by a lake if he’d ever seen the bird. The whole piece had a skeptic and condescending tone, making fun of him while of the video of him waving his hands and arms in a strange manner.
The reporter even went to a physicist on some campus who quickly called refuted all and any claims to his energy work and healing and basically called him a fraud who manipulates the weak for profit. Well, I’m glad his scientific view can make such accusatory claims without first the hand experience of meeting Adam.
All the while my mother commented, let’s see him move a pencil now, let’s see him levitate. I just sat there observing, wanting to say, well, I do something very similar to him. But I didn’t. I know Adam’s technique and all of his stories make sense to me. His connection to nature and the ability to trust himself has allowed Adam the freedom to pursue his passion of helping other’s help themselves.
The whole piece was to discount Adam as a quack and feed that to the millions that watch it. I thought what a disservice it was to discount this guy, who is teaching people how to empower themselves unlike the insurance companies who’ve made the medical field a service industry to which no one is allowed access to medical attention unless you can pay enormous fees for something that keeps you in a state of low improved health, instead of looking at the root cause of a bodily concern.
I hope for all our sake (those that do energy work or other natural practices) that he is who he says he is. I think he was brave for allowing the interview even though it made his look like a quack, to let people know that the power to change is within. I’m glad he’s doing what he’s doing and helping others.
When I saw him perform his technique, he was channeling and moving energy around and pulling out the stuck energy and discarding it. I knew exactly what he was doing and I understood his childhood. I have some friends who used to fly when they were children and can’t seem to find an explanation as to why it stopped, it just stopped as they got older. I’m glad he’s teaching others, on his website, he thought it was more effective to teach others to do the same thing than just one-on-one healings as he could reach more people that way.
Stay strong man, and keep up the good work!
Tyo find out more about his seminars, ou can visit his website,
Tags: The Path of Life
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All of Adam’s teachings are KNOWLEDGE to all healers. Adam became energy depleted doing !:1 work so the next step was writing books, teaching and GROUP healing.Vivianna Stibul did this..founder of Theta Healing. How many people seek his help and how many are really cured ? Where are the statistics ? Visualization, positive thinking ..believing you are NOW healthy are said to work eg…………Louise Hay ( you can heal your life )
Joe Dispenza advises DO the visualizations regularly and for long periods. For how long do you do it he asks ? We are lazy..we want a quick fix and you know what intelligent people are more easily hypnotised and more gullible. they believe anything. If Adam opts out once he is rich then he is a fake because a true healer heals for NOTHING .