Attitude Adjusment Needed!
There are some people in the class that think that just showing up is enough. This is part of the danger of paying for someone’s tuition. And it is an indication of an attitude that does not foster a credible relationship. If we find a job for that person, and whether it is in abroad or domestically, then the reality of that person re-paying the loan, is a slim chance.
We’ve had some stumbling blocks with a couple of people in class since the beginning, and it has something to do with nepotism and a lax attitude. However, this attitude will not be tolerated. There a few people that were recommended for the training through their association with Rob. I wasn’t keen on that fact, but after Rob and I interviewed them, we saw there were genuine interest in learning and also a keen interest in working abroad. Working abroad means two things, money and a ticket out of the kingdom.
I’ve noticed this attitude from day one, and I have been observing these individuals. We’ve had some motivational straight talks to the students, and reiterated that their touch needs to be golden as well as their English.
I have been administering quizzes to see their knowledge in anatomy. The results were okay, and it’s just a matter of who is actually studying and who isn’t. So those students who obviously didn’t study had to re-take the quiz. And again, one student still didn’t study, getting a quarter of the answers right. So, it obviously displays a lack of interest for the training.
It’s not like I haven’t been on the other side of the coin, just sitting there in class, and studying enough to get buy. But I was paying for those classes and I really didn’t want to be there. Wrong attitude for college. When we interviewed potential students, these students said they were interested in healing (which of course, some were telling us what I wanted to hear).
I think some of the students didn’t realize exactly what they were getting into; actually I’d say all of them. They mainly thought that we were administering travel visas or work visas and going through the class was the hoop to jump through. And some students feel they are exceptions to our rules. That their relatives or friends know Rob, so it’s just about strings being pulled in order to get a free training. But no strings were pulled, because of association to Rob. I sure hope they don’t think that. And if that’s the case, then they lied to us, for their actions during class reflect this superiority and careless attitude.
I’d say 99% now get it, that we (we being Rob, myself and Tranquility School) are serious about teaching and have high standards for the students to achieve. We will not give out certifications and find jobs for people that do not deserve them. I will not risk our reputation on an irresponsible, immature person that gives mediocre massages. If a student doesn’t pass, they will repay the loan. No exceptions.
It’s an interesting series of events, interesting experiences, some I had anticipated once the training actually started, and events I looked forward to. I knew that doing this loan program would foster these beliefs in our students and some of them would try to take advantage and think we are helpless.
Well, this is not the case. We are not helpless and we are extremely resourceful, and if students cannot comply, with respect and participate, we will kick them out and we will be paid for our time thus far.
I am not here to idly teach something because I have nothing better to do. I am not volunteering my time, teaching people who have no respect for the training, or the instructors. I am not above reproach, nor will I be disrespected or be taken advantage of.
I think there are some gender inequalities going on as well, which undermines our very goal: we treat each other with respect, as human beings.
I’ve noticed that when these students aren’t in class the energy is much different, people are comfortable and morale is up, creating a fun learning environment. When we have disruptions such as we did last week, and when these certain students are in class, the energy is different, more on-guard and uncomfortable.
Tranquility School’s instructor told me his concerns with some of the students and wanted to see in a week how these certain people acted, if they would change, and if not, he wanted to “fire” them. I told him we needed to talk to them first, and work it out and if it couldn’t be, then we dismiss students.
It’s such an important lesson for me, Rob and Hem. We all are learning so much, and I take all of these challenges in stride.
Just to flip it, we have some very sincere students, who demonstrate their motivation to learn. It’s really amazing, we have one student, who doesn’t understand English (I remember calling him up and telling him about which day was the interview, how he kept saying Tuesday and I said Thursday). I didn’t want him in this first batch, but Rob really liked him and his interest in learning that he accepted him. And Hem and I both remarked how he is 100% committed and motivated to learn. This is just one example, 97% of the students are sincere and thankful for the opportunity to learn.
Hopefully, the other students will learn from these examples and improve their lackadaisical attitude they have in class.
We have high standards which they can achieve, and we want them all to succeed. Self-responsibility and maturity goes without saying and is an indirect but important aspect during the healing arts training. It truly is an interesting experience.
Tags: Kathmandu Work, Travel
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