Why the Shang??
Thursday, October 25th, 2007It’s a common question I get. I’ve been fielding the question since I first became dead set on moving to Shanghai while still a university student. Let me back track a little though since this is only post number 1.
I graduated from University this past April with a hefty BA, majored in political science and international development studies. Now anyone out there with a BA knows what I’m talking about when I say the BA doesn’t exactly set you on a career path (unless of course you want to drown yourself in the law). This isn’t to say the BAs not useful or it wasn’t enjoyable, but to me the sole advantage of the BA is such: It allows you to dick around for a little while. Its every liberal arts graduates dream to go abroad. Some have noble dreams. They are going to change the world. They are going to volunteer. They are going to put their knowledge of grassroots organizations to use in the field… and I applaud them. My dreams were never so noble. Not to say that I’ve never thought about doing such things, but ultimately I never really entertained it seriously. For me my post BA dreams were a little different. [read on]