Alaska by Kayak – and Wheelchair
Alaksa tests the language of comparatives and scrambles metaphors: “Land of the Midnight Sun,” “the No-See-Ums are so big you can see them.”
From May 25 to 30, 2008 I was invited to tour Glacier Bay Alaska on the Sea Wolf.
Waypoint Charter Services books the wheelchair-adapted wood-hulled yacht the Sea Wolf. Small enough to be intimate (six cabins/ three wheelchair usable) and retrofitted with wheelchair lifts to each of the three main decks cruises in Glacier Bay, Alaska on the Sea Wolf include sea kayaking because the owner has installed a unique lift system. I was out of my wheelchair and into my kayak with the splash skirt fitted down in 3 minutes thanks to a skilled and attentive crew.
Here are two videos to give a flavor of the excursion —
Getting into the tandem sea kayak using the McKinnon Hugger co-developed by the late husband of Kimber Owen (owner of the Sea Wolf, Gustavus, AK and main deck hand in this video.):
Returning to the Sea Wolf after a day at Reed Glacier:
To take the trip yourself contact:
Sherri Backstrom
Waypoint Yacht Charter Services
Tags: disability, Travel
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