It’s all about the comments
This is just a very brief entry with regard to comments on our blog. We very much appreciate all comments that are left by all our friends and family, it’s great to know that people are reading about our travels and are supporting us from the other side of the world. However, it’s also very rewarding when we find that random strangers and even old or vague acquaintances are also reading our blog and we’re happy to answer questions if there’s anything people want to know about what we’re doing or where we’ve been. We’re really very nice people and being on the road means that interaction with other human beings is often limited and we don’t get to chat as much as we’d like. So please, please please please, whoever you are, if you’re reading about us, leave a comment, introduce yourself, we really don’t care who you are, just say hello!
Sam & Craig
PS. Mum, yes your comments do count, but as you pointed out, I do get to talk to you every week, so really this appeal is directed at all our other “readers” (aunts, uncles, uni friends, work friends, Michelle B, Nick, Deb (& Husband) from HEBS, Central Networks folk etc)
20th February
Hi everyone, I’m adding an update to this entry to say thanks to ppl who have been leaving us comments but are unable to find them on the blog. As far as I can tell, Bootsnall have added a feature to the website that allows us to vet comments before they go on for public viewing, so I have approved the most recent ‘missing’ comments for now and will try to find a way to allow all your comments to be authorised automatically if I can. Please keep commenting anyway for the time being, as we can read your comments from the admin area that only we hae access to.
Tags: Travel
February 22nd, 2006 at 8:43 pm
Hiya sweetie (and Craig!!)
Guess what Parcel Force turned up with….? well, actually it was a letter saying come fetch this weird thing that’s hanging around in our warehouse!! I nipped in on the way to work and asked what it was (just in case I’d won a 42″ plasma screen in a comp!) – the guy asked if I was expecting anything and I said yes, if it’s what I think it is, it’ll be about 6ft long and would have come from Australia – he said… What is it, a digeridoo? He howled when I said yes!…. he howled even louder when I tried to get it into Maxine! we had to take the roof off, put it in and put the roof back on… in the rain…. at 8.30am! then when I got it home, I had to do the same again! FGS!!! Anyway, it’s here now, the package looks relatively unscathed so I’m pretty sure it’ll be in perfect nick inside – just have to learn to play it now, God help the neighbours! … oh, and Angela wants to know what size batteries it takes!
Anyway, was lovely to talk to you again last weekend (as usual) – everyone sends their love and I’m starting to get on people’s nerves about coming to see you (can’t wait!) it’s only 8 weeks!!!
Ok – my tea’s ready now so I’m off – take care of you both, love you loads and miss you more! luv, snugs, hugs and stuff, mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +x
February 27th, 2006 at 1:53 pm
im confused…….i think ive filled this in right,im hoping that nobody else gets to read it, although i’ll never know i suppose, thats why ive not left a comment before, im not very good with the whole internet thing but seen as my name was on the last one i thought id better stop being such a child and leave you a little message. i like that your mum has recieved herself a digeridoo-thats funny,im surprised ive not heard it playing from a far! anyway, hope all is well, sounds like your having an amazing time, and i should think so aswell, so that gregs married…thats a shame a could do with getting myself one of them millionaires. anyone reading this now will think im a right hussy, and they’d be right. ha. you might not even get this, you will have to email me and let me know if ive done it right otherwise i’ll be forever wondering and you’ll still be thinking ‘that michelle,some friend, doesn’t ever leave us a comment.
i hope you have got this, my geography is really bad especially when it comes to australia, and im a bit confused as to where you are now so if on your next blog you could explain in laymans(not sure how you spell it) terms that would be great. are you near the south?
i think ive gone on now alot so i hope your both having the best time ever,im very happy for you both.
love and kisses
Michelle p.s what happened to the dog, i might have missed a bit in the blogs and would like to know if you still have him/her?
February 27th, 2006 at 1:54 pm
now my comment is ‘awaiting moderation’ what does that mean? does it mean ive done it right?
March 2nd, 2006 at 11:32 pm
Hi Craig and Sam
Yor M & D gave me your blogg site details at christmas and we have been reading your news with great interest. However, was never quite sure how to leave a comment cos like so many oldies I’m not very computer literate!! But after your plea for comments I thought I should give it a go so hope this gets to you!! It sounds such a fantastic adventure, we are all very jealous!!!!!!!! I can’t believe you have done so much already. looking forward to reading much more and seeing more pics
love and kisses
Helen (your godmum), Si & boys