It’s all about the comments
Saturday, February 18th, 2006This is just a very brief entry with regard to comments on our blog. We very much appreciate all comments that are left by all our friends and family, it’s great to know that people are reading about our travels and are supporting us from the other side of the world. However, it’s also very rewarding when we find that random strangers and even old or vague acquaintances are also reading our blog and we’re happy to answer questions if there’s anything people want to know about what we’re doing or where we’ve been. We’re really very nice people and being on the road means that interaction with other human beings is often limited and we don’t get to chat as much as we’d like. So please, please please please, whoever you are, if you’re reading about us, leave a comment, introduce yourself, we really don’t care who you are, just say hello!
Sam & Craig
PS. Mum, yes your comments do count, but as you pointed out, I do get to talk to you every week, so really this appeal is directed at all our other “readers” (aunts, uncles, uni friends, work friends, Michelle B, Nick, Deb (& Husband) from HEBS, Central Networks folk etc)
20th February
Hi everyone, I’m adding an update to this entry to say thanks to ppl who have been leaving us comments but are unable to find them on the blog. As far as I can tell, Bootsnall have added a feature to the website that allows us to vet comments before they go on for public viewing, so I have approved the most recent ‘missing’ comments for now and will try to find a way to allow all your comments to be authorised automatically if I can. Please keep commenting anyway for the time being, as we can read your comments from the admin area that only we hae access to.