BootsnAll Travel Network

2 Brits 2 Kiwis & A Candadian celebrate Australia qualifying for the World Cup 2006

Hi Peeps!

Not a vast amount to report this week but I’ll do my best…!

You’ll all be pleased to know that I’ve managed to get over my farm wrecking spree and am now back on top form and haven’t broken anything for a whole week! This week it was Craig’s turn to cock up! Bless him, as he zips around the farm like Colin McRae on his gator if there’s a puddle to be explored you can guarantee he’s in it and this week he drove himself full speed into a nice green bog and got himself stuck! Back wheels were spinning but the boy was going no-where, they had to fetch a tractor to come and scoop him out – oh how I giggled as I went AROUND the puddle! Then on Friday we had a great time when they sent us out to spray a new area of the plantation where they’ve only just finished planting the trees. The ground is still really soft cuz the tractors haven’t been driving up and down there packing it in yet, so we had a right laugh getting stuck over and over again, I always managed to get myself out by myself but Craig had to be rescued by the tractor again! Haha!

On Wednesday night we went down to the pub to watch Australia play Uraguay in the World Cup Qualifiers and the Aussies won in a penalty shoot out, it was quite exciting at the end, not that the Aussie locals cared much. In fact, by the time the game finished there was only one local left in the pub and the only people cheering were 2 Brits, 2 Kiwis and a Canadian (some friends Craig made out on the plantation)!! It was an interesting evening all round really, some guys from the mango plantation came and had a few drinks and a chat with us which was fun, along with the other members of our little international group. A local farmer brought in a carrier bag full of mangoes from his plantation and showed us how to peel and eat them, explaining how you can tell when they’re ripe and stuff so we all went round to the tap at the outside of the pub and scoffed mangoes til there was juice every where and we had to get rinsed off! That was a bizarre experience but fun!

Then when we went back to the caravan park Craig went over to his mates’ tent and played ‘Slapping the Goon bag’. This is a game where you take a box of wine, remove the foil bag containing the wine (the ‘goon bag’ if you will) from inside and tear off one of the sides of the box to make it into a helmet. One person starts off by wearing the helmet and they slap the goon bag for as many times as they intend to drink from it. If you slap the bag twice, you drink twice etc. If you slap the bag twice but forget through the course of the conversation or whatever and then take 3 drinks, you have to wear the box on your head. If you slap the bag twice and drink twice you then have to throw the bag at another person in the game (and hopefully hit them in the face with it) and then it’s their turn. Weird I know, but it was created by a Canadian so …. y’know. Craig went to play, I went to bed. Craig returned an hour later with a belly full of wine on top of a belly full of beer. Needless to say he puked. A lot. In fact the whole of the next day he spent driving around the plantation leaving behind little piles of sick. A breakfast pile, a dinner pile, a few piles of juice and water… It went on. Eventually it took a steak dinner with mash, veg and gravy to set him right (Sam saves the day! no mean feat with only a 2 ring stove and a gas bottle – and note the mention of ‘veg’ of which he ate every scrap!). Teehee. Serves him right. Still, we live and learn and we live to play.

We went to Cairns yesterday and did some shopping, I got some new shorts and a vest top so I can get a whole load of new shaped tan lines all over me to add to that patchwork effect I’ve got. We also bought a little book of card games since there’s bugger all to do out here except drink and Craig’s off that at the moment and we’re fed up of bloody Rummy.

That’s about all that’s happened. We reckon we can carry on working out here for at least another 2 weeks so we’ve arranged to get our post sent on to us which will be very exciting. After that we’re just gonna try to string this job out for as long as possible cuz the money is good, tax is low and it’s cheap to live. The cash is slowly stacking itself up in the bank and we’re planning our next bout of travelling and looking forward to it lots.

Missing everyone at home, although not missing the weather – good luck in the frost! Ha! Average here is about 34-37 degrees still. We had 20 minutes of rain the other day. Suffer.

Love to y’all, keep the comments coming

Sam & Craig


3 Responses to “2 Brits 2 Kiwis & A Candadian celebrate Australia qualifying for the World Cup 2006”

  1. Mum Tay Says:

    Just updating myself on your blog in my lunchtime.

    My My how things have changed – Sam watching football (you must be bored)
    Craig eating veg! I don’t think I will know the pair of you when you get back.

    And yes the weather is crap here I went to Meadowhall shopping yesterday and had to drive back in the fog I’m a nervous wreak.

    Keep safe – love you both loads
    Speaks soon
    Luv Mum

  2. Mamma J Says:

    Hiya hunny!
    Lucky you with 37° – it’s been snowing here, raining, windy, icy, foggy, cold, flippin cold, damn cold and goddam cold – get the kettle on we can’t stand it any more!!

    We’ve had a pretty odd week really, Dan’s been home all week not well (lots better now tho – going back on Monday), been to Leeds for a day with Cris for work (bloomin orrible on motorway, even driving Dave’s new Audi!!), been to Staffs Uni for a mock tribunal – interesting, but not that interesting!! Dad gone bowling, me and Dan had chippy chips to compensate!

    Pups are in for a trim on Sat – we’re back to wig-wag and muppet skin and hair everywhere! when their paws are wet, it’s a mop job in the kitchen! Little bluggers have chewed the table leg – we thought it was Marley, but dad caught Louie redhanded and give him a smack-bum, he ran to bed then dropped the bit of wood he had in his mouth when he though dad wasn’t looking! that got him another telling off! Can’t stay mad at them tho, still cutest things on 8 legs!

    We’ve had our first Chrissy cards in the post – that means I’ve got to get and write some! One from Anne Forster and her new chappie (the millionaire!) and one from my mate Tracy – nothing from Uncle Teddybear yet, must be losing his touch!

    You should know that Bob’s days are finally numbered, he’s on e-bay and will be gone by Sunday, 11 bids so far and 6 watchers, the shed won’t be the same without him!

    Spoke to Kate, she sends her love – not much changed with her, tell you more when we speak – Ben wants a Thomas Tank game for Christmas so I have to take Dad to TRU to pick it – even though it’s in the Argos book!!

    Got to go now, dad’ll be ringing for a lift any minute and my tea’s going cold! Look forward to speaking to you soon, take care and love to ‘the Larakin’ (sorry Craig – watched Neighbours twice this week, too good a word not to call you – Imakes a change from ‘the big galaaaaah’!!)

    Love you loads, hugs n stuff, mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx +x

  3. Posted from United States United States
  4. nick taylor Says:

    YOYOYOYOYOYOYOOYOYOYOY, wot up duuuuddddde!!!! i’ve left a post earlier but not sure where to be honest!!! just spoke to craigs pops he put me right and i think this is in the right place!! so here goes….. again!!!! well i been so busy what with me celebrity career, modelling shoots, tv appearances i just haven’t had the time to get in touch….. well ok so we know thats a lie, the truth being i’m a student bum, and from time to time i need a kick up the ass to get me in gear, hence the constant badgerin from me mum to do me dissertation, anyway i woke this mornin greeted with a kick up the ass and i decided to, unluckily/luckily (delete as appropriate) get in touch!! so! it sounds like you’re having an amazing time, and i’m not jealous one bit!!!!!!(lies again!!) it sounds ace, the diving sounds mint so much in fact that i’m sat here writing this with me snorkel on!!! its steamin up so best take it off eh????ha but seriously it sounds like you’re havin an awesome time, i’m glad its goin so well!!! its starting to make me think of goin on me own little adventure!!! Craig i’m not surprised to here of Sam being a bad driver, lets face it they generally are haha, Jo is havin lessons its a constant battle to keep her away from me keys!!!! hope you’re givin the aussies plenty about the old ashes thumpin we gave em, and it won’t be long til you can take the mick about the beatin they’ll take at the world cup!!! as for craig and his too much drinking and bein sick scenario its pretty much usual practice eh?? ya big girl!!! heard you’re the new paddy and max too??? dirty pig!!! who’s who i wonder?? i’ll let you fight that one out!!! ha anyway i’m prob borin the arse off you but just before i dissappear Jo says hello, as does the rest of the Taylor clan and Si and Dodge and Megan!! just an update in case you were wonderin, si’s gettin balder and richer as expected eh!! well i’m looking forwrd to me last skint, student, christmas and an a freezin new year think of us when your relaxin in ya sun loungers with your cocktails or scuda’s (get me with the lingo) ‘monge tout’ chaps!!! speak soon Nick!!!!! p.s me e-mail is email me asap with your address cus i don’t know it!!!!!! tara for now!!

  5. nick taylor Says:

    OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH no my email is not .com!!!!!!ooooppppsss!!!!!!! nick!

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