A Weekend in Seattle Part I: Stranger in a Strange Land
I went to Seattle for four days in June. I got lucky weatherwise–it only rained on the drive to and from the airport. My cousin told me it had only been raining there every 3-4 days, which is kind of a miracle up there. Most of the time was spent at my cousins’ house with their 3 kids (5 and 18-month old twins).
A House with Kids should have its own guidebook, visa requirements, immigration control, and even an interview in which an officer says, “Do you have any idea what you are walking into?” I mean, I’ve had my share of travel adventures, but never before did someone ask me to stick my nose down someone else’s pants and sniff for signs of poop.
Fortunately as with most foreign places I’ve gone to, after the period of culture shock passed I found myself falling in love with the place–with my older cousin’s intelligence and sense of kindness (he kept trying to give me things he had), and my younger cousin’s boundless energy and fearless willingness to hug another human being. I thought I’d be happy to be free of the crying and bodily function obsession, but when I got inside the airport I actually felt a little empty inside. Not empty enough to move there myself permanently, but empty enough to want to get back there to visit as soon as I can.
Tags: Kids, Travel
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